Chapter 15: Infiltrating the Enemy

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"We need to collect more information." Erza said finally. "About the empire."

"Let's talk to some of the other soldiers." Gray grunted as he threw open the door and stalked out.

"Why is he so mad?" Happy asked.

"He's probably mad at Natsu." Carla said as she transformed back to her Exceed form. "Come on, Happy. We need to hide again."

"Aye. Good luck guys." Happy waved as he and Carla hid in the box.

"What do you want me to do?" Wendy asked as she trembled.

"Um...sit somewhere?" Erza shrugged. "I think your motion sickness would make the soldiers sick."

"Okay. Maybe I'll just sit on the deck and stare at the horizon." Wendy sighed as she uncertainly exited the room. "I feel so useless."

"Come on, Lucy." Erza motioned for her to follow. They approached two soldiers chatting in the corner. "Greetings." Lucy snorted at her formality.

"Hey." They greeted back.

"Do you know why Emperor Spriggan is waging war against a guild?" Lucy asked. She mentally face palmed. Way to get to the point.

"We already know why." Erza muttered. Lucy discreetly elbowed her.

They shrugged. "I heard it was because they were trying to kill him."

The other one chuckled. "Good luck with that. His Majesty's palace is like a fortress. Besides, he has the Spriggan 12. They'd never be able to kill him."

"Are all of the 12 in the empire right now?" Erza asked.

The first one shrugged. "I assume His Majesty has summoned them, but they're almost never all at the palace at the same time. They're free rein."

"Have you ever met His Majesty?" Lucy prodded. "I imagine meeting him would be terrifying."

"I'd love to meet him one day." The second sighed in admiration. "He's so powerful! It'd be an honor to meet the ruler of the Alvarez Empire."

"I'd like to meet him too." Erza said. "He's a good leader." I think. She added mentally. The others nodded.

"So, how long have you been in the Brandish Squad?" Lucy asked. "My friend and I are relatively new."

"It's been so long I can't exactly remember." The first one chuckled as he slapped the other one on the back. "We've been through a lot, though."

"I'm sure the work is rewarding." Erza said.

"Oh yes, although I'm not too fond of Marin. You've met him right?" Erza and Lucy shook their heads. "Oh, well, he basically oversees us. He's kind of creepy though. He's always giving us grades like we're in school or something. He also uses spatial magic, which puts people like celestial wizards and teleportation users at a disadvantage." Lucy gulped at that.

"I'm surprised you haven't met him." The second one said as he bent over in a coughing fit. "Though, usually he's with Brandish, who's currently away, so I can see why."

"You okay, man?" Lucy asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, this happens to him all the time." The first one chuckled as he slapped the other on the back.

Suddenly, a soldier grabbed Erza's arm. "Excuse me, can I see you and your friend for a moment?"

Erza was alarmed, but didn't show it. "Of course. Nice talking to you." She said to the two soldiers.

"Goodbye." Lucy added as she followed Erza. The other two nodded to them as they departed.

The soldier led them up on the deck.

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