Chapter 34: Lucy v.s. Dimaria

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-With Lucy, Happy, and Cana-

"Wait." Lucy froze. "I can sense her."

"Where?" Cana asked as she looked around the cathedral remains.

Suddenly, Dimaria appeared behind Lucy. "Right here." She kicked the blonde Mage in the back.

"Lucy!" Happy shouted as he flew after her.

"Lucy!" Cana yelled. "Thunderbolt's Fate!" She gasped as the spell missed Dimaria, who was in a different spot. "How did you do that?!"

"Remember, she can freeze time." Lucy groaned as she stood. "Star Dress: Leo Form! Open, Gate of the Lion, Loke!"

"Hi gorgeous." Loke smiled as he appeared. "Regulus Impact!" The area filled with bright light as he punched Dimaria in the face. She flew backwards and hit the cathedral.

"LOKE!" Lucy's jaw dropped as she stared at the damage.


Dimaria grinned as she stood. "It's been a while since someone's gotten a good hit on me. But I'm afraid it didn't hurt."

"What?" Loke gasped.

"Careful, she's crazy strong." Lucy said.

"Sun's Strength!" Cana threw her cards at Dimaria, who dodged them. Dimaria struck Cana and Loke with a brutal slash of her backsword.

"Loke!" Lucy yelled. "Cana!" 

"Oh, I forgot about the blonde. How about I give you another haircut?" She grinned as she cut Lucy's hair roughly.

"Regulus Lucy Punch!" 

"Too slow."

"Star Dress: Taurus Form! Earth Wave!" Lucy grunted in annoyance as Dimaria dodged it.

"The Prayer's Fountain!" Cana placed a card on the ground, causing water to shoot in all directions. "Don't touch it, Lucy, it's dangerous."

"Oops." Dimaria clicked her teeth and the girls suddenly moved in the path of the water.

"AHHHH!" They cried in pain.

"Her magic's really making me mad." Cana groaned. "Sleep!" She pulled her sleep card on Dimaria.

"Aw, you're so mean. Why did you use it on the cat?" She grinned as Happy fell onto the ground, unconscious. She dodged Cana's punches with ease.

"Happy!" Lucy yelled as she changed back to her Leo Star Dress. "Regulus Gatling Impact!"

"Lion Brilliance!" Loke joined his attack with Lucy's, barely missing Dimaria.

"Lucy, get back." Cana said as she grabbed her arm.

"What are you gonna do?" Lucy asked worriedly.

"You'll see." She held up her right arm. "Gather! O river of light that guides the fairies! Shine! In order to perish the fangs of evil! Fairy Glitter!"

Dimaria's eyes widened as bright light blinded her. "No!"

"Cana!" Lucy screamed as she watched her friend disappear in the smoke that followed.

"She'll be okay." Loke said as he scanned the battlefield.

"Loke, get Happy out of here." Lucy said as she made eye contact with him. "Go to the guild hall."

"I will. Be careful!" He smiled at her before grabbing Happy.

The dust cleared and a heavily breathing Cana stood. "Did I get her?"

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