Chapter 20: Hiding Out

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Lucy was the first to rise, so she made coffee and walked out onto the balcony, forgetting Erza was sleeping there. 

"Good morning, Lucy."

Lucy jumped. "Sorry! I forgot you were sleeping here."

"Don't worry about it." Erza sighed. "It's not like I slept anyways."

Lucy sat cross legged on the floor. "Why not?"

"I just kept thinking about our options. I'm not really sure what to do. I mean, this is a critical situation. One wrong move and we're dead."

"I personally don't think we should try to infiltrate again. We were easily caught and being in prison again wouldn't help anyone."

Erza nodded. "I agree. I need to find a way to contact Jellal, so we can get information from him."

Lucy gasped before doubling over in laughter. "He didn't know we escaped! He's probably freaking out right now!"

Erza chuckled. "Oh my God, you're probably right!"

"Poor Jellal!" 

Gray opened the door with an annoyed expression. "Must you wake everyone up with your hyena laughter?"


"Want some coffee?" Lucy offered. "I made enough for everyone."

"Sure, thanks." He replied.

"I'll get you some too, Erza." Lucy said as she went back inside.

"Any luck?" Gray asked as he leaned on the railing.

Erza shook her head. "No. Lucy and I both decided we shouldn't try to infiltrate again, though."

He nodded. "That's probably a good call. I was thinking we could persuade Zeref to stop the invasion."

"But how? What can we offer Zeref?"

"I meant by force." He said seriously. "We could kill his armies."

"I doubt he'd care. He's using them as pawns to get what he wants." Erza sighed. "But it's an idea."

"Damn, I thought that would work." He punched the railing, before grabbing his hand. "Ow!"

She smirked in amusement. "Not as tough as you though you were?"

"Shut up..."

Lucy came back out with coffee. She looked alarmed. "Wendy's still sleeping, but I can't find Happy. And I searched the entire suite."

Erza's eyes widened. "You don't suppose he left the hotel?"

Lucy's face was grim. "I hope not."

"That cat better not get us recaptured." Gray hissed.

"Hey guys!" Happy startled them all by landing on the railing.

"Where the hell were you?!" Lucy demanded.

He looked at the angry trio in fear. "Talking to Jellal..."

"What?" Erza snapped. "Why did you even leave?!"

"You could've gotten captured!" Gray fumed.

"Listen! I was careful. I just told Jellal how we escaped and that we're hiding safely. We set up a rendezvous spot so we can exchange information. He said he'll try to meet us there every 3 days at night, starting today ." Happy explained.

"Where's the rendezvous?" Erza asked. 

"The park Lucy and I waited in. He said there's a large cherry blossom tree. He said he's gonna be dressed as a commoner and we should disguise ourselves." 

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