Chp.6 The Curse Of Dio

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It was already the next day morning, 7 am as Josephine then was waking up from her sleep and to find Holly, and somehow she couldn't find her Until Avdol showed up...

Avdol: Mrs.Joestar, is something wrong??

Josephine: I cant find Holly. Have you seen her??

Avdol: No. As of matter of fact I dont see her anywhere here the house.

Josephine: Hmmm. That's weird. I'll help and go look for her then.

Avdol: Right.

As Josephine and Avdol look for Holly, Jocelyn was all dressed in her uniform as she gets ready to set off to head over to school...

Jocelyn: Welp, time to go to school. And this time I mean it.

But before she even leaves the house, she then notices something wasn't right. Her mother Holly will always call for her and give her a kiss before she leaves to school...

Jocelyn: Strange. Thats how it usually plays.

Josephine: Hey Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: Old hag. What you want??

Josephine: Have you seen your mother?? Can't find her.

Jocelyn: Can't find her?? Weird...

Suddenly, they both heard Avdol's voice yelling out...

Avdol: Holly!

Both Jocelyn and Josephine notice that it didn't sound good, so they go and find Avdol...meanwhile, oustide at Jocelyn's house property, (YN) was already waiting for Jocelyn to come out, butbits been 5 minutes already and need to be at school at 7:30am...

(YN): Hm. Jocelyn should be out already, its been 5 minutes....Better go and check.

(YN) then enters the property as he then hears a voice shouting out...

Josephine: NOOOOOO!!!!!!

(YN): What the?! That sounded like Jocelyn's Grandfather!

(YN) then rushes to the house as he goes looks for Jocelyn and Josephine, he then find them in the kitchen, with Avdol holding onto Holly on the ground, as he can see some kind of green thorns and flowers from her back...

(YN): What the?! What happen??!!

Avdol explains eveything what just happen to Jocelyn's mother, Holly somehow that spirit Holly has from her back is actually a stand she has, but not quite, her stand materialize her own self, leaving her some kind of high fever, Holly doesn't have the strength to earn a stand...this fever that she has doesn't seem some kind of normal fever that a doctor can cure it, its a fever that can't never be cure and in 50-60 days, she will order to end the curse, Josephine, Jocelyn and Avdol must find DIO and and kill him once and for all. Minutes later, Josephine and Avdol place Holly on the floor with a pillow above her head and a blanket covering her body with a wet towel on her forehead as for Jocelyn, Avdol, and (YN), there are looking for a way to look for where can DIO be...

Jocelyn: Anything yet old hag??

Josephine: No nothing yet. Apparently finding him is the problem. No matter how many pictures I take with my stand, he only shows himself with evrything dark at the background. There no way we can locate him.

Avdol: We use every methods to try and analyze where he could be, and yet there's nothing.

Jocelyn: Hey now. You could have told me earlier. Probably my stand's eyesight can be able to know where Dio can be.

Jocelyn's stand then started to stare at the picture Jocelyn is holding as it then took a very close look at it, and so it found something...

Jocelyn: Its found something in the shadows.

Jocelyn then walks over to the drawer as she grabs a little notebook and a pencil...her stand started to sketching the image it found on the dark shadows, and it then finishes and knowing it drew a fly.

Avdol: No way!

Joseph:  a fly?? How in the hell It can help us-

Avdol: Wait a sec! I think I've seen this fly before! Jocelyn, do you have an encyclopedia around your house??

Jocelyn: We do have a library. Around the corner to the left.

Avdol: Let me have the sketch. I'll do some research.

As Avdol goes to the library to do some research. In the meantime Jocelyn, (YN) and Joseph keep and eye on Holly to make sure nothing else happens to her. Minutes later, Avdol then cane back as he found out where the fly is from. The fly is from Egypt and narrowed to the Asuan Region, that's were DIO is. As of matter of fact, Kakyoin suddenly listen to everything what was going on and knew DIO was in Egypt, Kakyoin said that he was traveling a trip with his family three months ago as he then encountered Dio and got that flesh bug from him...and ended up killing his parents...

Avdol: I see. So somehow Dio wants to be remain in Egypt somehow.

Kakyoin: So, when are we going?? Because I'll be going with you.

Josephine/Avdol: Hmm!?

Jocelyn: Seriously? Why would you wanna come with us??

Kakyoin: Heh, to be completely honest, I don't know why I wanna go either. Its just that I feel compelled I guess.

Jocelyn: hm.

Kakyoin: Lets just say she open my eyes thats all. Besides, if I were her son, I would do anything to protect and save her from danger.

Jocelyn then notices (YN) still standing, arms cross as she approaches to him and tells him..

Jocelyn: Hey listen (YN). Sorry but we have business to take care of. It's been nice knowing you and all, but I have to go and save my mother. Ill be back soon enough.

(YN): What are you talking about?? I'm going with yall as well.

Jocelyn: You too??

(YN): Take the advice from Kakyoin, I would do the same thing like him. But theres a reason I'd go with yall to Egypt, I go after to some bastard like DIO who would hurt an innocent lady like Holly, especially hurting someone that my friends care about.

(YN) looks at Jocelyn and places his hand onto her shoulder as she blushes and covers her face...

Josephine: Very well then. We leave immediately!

As they get prepared to leave and head over to Egypt, Joseph makes a phone call as some doctors came to Jocelyn's house as (YN) made a call to his mother to let her know that she will be helping a friend of his and fully he does, some doctors then arrive...

Josephine: Don't worry. We can trust them. Their doctors from the Speedwagon Foundation. Their going to stay with her. Take care of Holly around the clock.

Avdol: Jocelyn, since I am a fortune tell, I'd like to name your stand before we go.

Jocelyn: Huh? Name it?

Avdol: *pulls out a deck of cards* with the cards of fate, do not look, but with the chance guide your fate. It will not suggest to our destiny, but aslo your abilities of your stand.

Jocelyn then pulls a card as she then got the star card, which her stand will be called Star Platinum, Josephine's Hermit Purple, Avdol's Magicians Red, Kakyoin's Heirophant Green, and (YN)'s Ghost Rider.

Josephine: Alright then! Let's hit the road!

And so their adventure began to travel Egypt and find DIO and kill him once and for all!


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