Chp.8 Enter Jean Pierre Polneraff

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After the plane crashing to the sea of cost of Hong Kong, and luckily to have passengers alive and some dead by the hands of Tower Of Grey, Jocelyn and the others had no choice but to head over to the city. As they arrive to the city of Honk Kong, they then head over to a restaurant and make up a plan to know a way to get over to Egypt quickly and safely before they encounter themselves more enemy stand users. They then arrive to a restaurant as they all sit down and discuss their plan...

Josephine: Okay. We need to make sure that we head over to Egypt as quick as possible and safely so we won't encounter ourselves more enemy stand users like last night. We could have managed to harm innocent people.

Avdol: I agree with you Mrs.Joestar, but if we don't get there in within 50 days...

They stood quite, knowing what will happen if they don't stop and kill DIO...especially Jocelyn and Josephine...

Kakyoin: If we were still on the plane, we would have been landing on Kairo right now...

(YN): And would have give us time to reach to Egypt.

Jocelyn then started to feel worried as she started to be worreid for her mother, (YN) notices as he places her hand onto her shoulder and tells her...

(YN): Don't worry. The faster we get there, the faster we stop DIO and save your mother.

After that he gives her a little smile to cheer her up, which by the way made Jocelyn blush a little a look away, covering her face with her hat...

Josephine: Speaking of getting faster to Egypt, that reminds me, I was gonna tell you all that we should all head over to Egypt in sea. Here.

Josephine pulls out a map and shows them...

Josephine: As we go by sea, we will go in a suitable boat, crossing the inidan ocean, across the sea of Singapore as well.

Avdol: I belive thats best to go on sea. If we go on land, it will take much longer and might encounter more enemies to lose more time.

Kakyoin: Agree.

Jocelyn: Same with me.

(YN): Me as well.

Josephine: Then its settle then. But remember, we have to get to Egypt quickly and soon as possible without beinf spotted by one of Dio's stand users that he hires.

As they kept chatting on their plans, a big muscualr man with tall straight grey hair was shown to be sitting down as he heard evrything from them, he grabs a menu chart from the table as he walks over to them and says...

???: Excuse me. Sorry to be a bother. I'm a tourist from France, could you fine people help me out? My Chinese is a bit rusty and I am having a hard time reading on the characters menu.

Jocelyn: Tch. Your annoying. Go away.

???: Pardon??

Josephine: Come now Jocelyn, try to be nice for once. Here, I can help you with that.

???: Merci Madam.

The man then hands over the menu to Josephine...

Josephine: I've been on Honk Kong many times of the years. I can be able to read on the characters menu. So, why not you join us?

???: That would be nice of you.

As the muscular man joins to eat with Josephine and the others as she started to make an feats for everyone. Minutes later, their order have arrive and to notice their order is quite different from what they have ordered...

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