Chp.27 Steely Dan: The Lovers Pt.2

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As Heirophant Green and Silver Chariot make their way to Josephine's brain, but somehow can't fight the enemy around the people here in town, so Kakyoin asks the owner to buy the TV they are using that contacts to Josephine's brain, as they bought it, the three run over to another area where is quiet and no people to worry about....

Kakyoin: Here you guys! Hurry!

Polnareff: Aly Oop!

Kakyoin: Alright Mr.Joestar! It's ready.

Josephine: Okay, Hermit Purple!

With Hermit Purple turning the TV back on, Silver Chariot and Heirophant Green then made it to the destination where the lovers is...but they found themselves even mor terrifying inside Josephine's brain...

Polnareff/Kakyoin: Fleshbuds!

Kakyoin: These are the tentacles of the flesh buds!

Polnareff: Great, we've finally arrive and yet the fleshbuds has taken over!

Kakyoin: Polnareff look!

They both then found themselves the stand enemy, the lovers...

They both then found themselves the stand enemy, the lovers

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Polnareff: It's him!

Kakyoin: Look at that thing! It's using his weird claws to o dig under neath Mr.Joestar's brain to feed the flesh buds! We have to defeat him before it's too late!

Polnareff: Indeed! I will do a fine cut on him! Come here you!

Silver Chariot then charges to the lovers as the lovers charges at him as it tried to use his claws to attack Silver Chariot...

Polnareff: Oh no you don't!

Silver Chariot then blocks the lovers strike as he then uses his speeding sword skills to slice up the lovers...

Kakyoin: We did it!

Polnareff: No, not quite. This thing is quite fast. I gotta say Kakyoin, it was easier than we thought it would be to defeat him. I guess-

Kakyoin: Polnareff, who are you talking to?!

Suddenly, Polnareff notice that Kakyoin was over there on his left..:but the Kakyoin he was talking to is with him?? Suddenly, the Kakyoin he was talking to somehow melted as the real stand, the lovers revealed himself as he strikes Polnareff with his claws towards his gut, causing Polnareff to spat out blood...

Kakyoin: Polnareff!

Kakyoin: Wh-What the?!? How did he-

Lovers: Both of you are such utter fools! You idiots completely fell for it!

Suddenly, the imposter lovers that Polnareff defeated stated to split up in two as it then made clones of two!

Lovers: HaHa! With my power of cloning myself and multiplying a lot of me's! You have no hope of winning!

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