Chp.39 Iggy/ Geb's N'Doul Pt.2

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-Author POV-

And so The crusaders make their way to their destination to arrive at Cairo as Joseph and the others were in the vehicle as (YN) on his hell cycle...

Polnareff: Mrs.Joestar why are you letting this mutt getting away with this!?! It's not fair he gets to be in the front seat while the rest of us are you squished in the back of the trunk!

Josephine: Look I know it's not ideal, but you have to wait his gum flavor runs out, when it does throw another one at the back of the seat so you all can come in the front.

Polnareff: Alright then...(YN) so lucky to have his own vehicle.

Jocelyn was looking out as she started to stare at (YN) riding his hell cycle as she started blushing a little...

Jocelyn Mind: Tch. Why does it feel like when I talk to him or interact with him, I get this freaking feeling inside my body...doesn't make any sense. I never felt like this in front of other guys..but (YN) on the other hand...he does.

Josephine: Crap!!

Josephine quickly steps on the brakes, so as (YN)...

Polnareff: Woah! What the hell was that?!

(YN): Mrs.Joestar, what happen?!

Josephine: Everyone take a look over there!

Everyone got out from the vehicle as so as (YN) as they notice what was Josephine talking about...they saw a helicopter that is from the SpeedWagon Foundation, the helicopter was crashed to the floor..

Kakyoin: It's the SpeedWagon Foundation helicopter! It went down.

Avdol: There's no sign of explosion or gun shots.

Josephine: Careful guys, I bet my life we are dealing with a enemy stand user.

Jocelyn: Hey look! It's one of the pilots!

They all looked at the pilot as he was dead already...half of his bottom body being squished to the helicopter...

(YN): Whatever happened to him, it ain't pretty.

Josephine: Damn. Poor bastard. Let's go and check out carefully. Who ever did this may be hiding somewhere.

The gang walked over to the pilot as (YN) notices the pilot's mouth filled with water, he then tilts the pilots head to the side as the water from his mouth was starting to fall out from the mouth...and it was much more water...

(YN): There no way all of that water can be only from his must be flowing from his lungs...which means-

Jocelyn: He was drowning in the dessert! But how!?! This is getting weirder and weirder!

Polnareff: Hey you guys! We found the other one here!

Josephine, Jocelyn and (YN) Dan to the others as they found themselves the other looked like he's alive still...but he's in bad shape and didn't seem he hasn't been drinking water somehow...

Josephine: Hang on! You gotta get a hold of yourself! Tell us what happen?!

SWF worker #2: W-W-Wa...W-Water..

Josephine: Water?! Ok! Polnareff hurry pass me that canteen!

Polnareff: Right.

Polnareff passes Josephine the canteen of water to give the pilot some to drink, but the pilot suddenly started to look scared and terrified as he yells out...

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