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"Finally you both showed! What happened?"

Rewinding to an hour back, I return home from school and rush to take a quick shower. Throwing on my jeans and a loose Black t-shirt—you should have guessed by now that the majority of my wardrobe is white, grey and black—I have a little snack before rushing out of my house, shouting a quick 'goodbye' to my mom while grabbing my small backpack with my music class books on my way.

Reaching the spot where I park my bike, I find the tires deflated.

Shit! I forgot to inflate my bike tires this week.

Running my hands through my hair in frustration, I look at my bike, my face contorted in anger—at myself—and guilt—that I had forgotten to inflate my baby's tire.

"Baby, I'm sorry." I mutter to my bike gravely.

I'm drowning in sorrow for letting my baby unattended that I didn't notice Ved standing beside me.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"I forgot to inflate my bike tires and now I don't know how I'm gonna go to music class. Guess I have to walk." I reply without looking at him and still staring at my baby guiltily.

"Oh. Have you ever ridden sitting on the backseat of a bike?"

"Um, no...why?" I finally turn to look at him confusedly.

I notice him clad in our school's uniform and had a backpack slung over his shoulders. Oh yeah. JEE students had extra classes every day. So they were let go from school later than us.

"Never mind. Wait here for a minute!" He exclaimed and ran into the apartment.

Anyways, I wasn't leaving any soon, so I wait for him.

He came sooner, in the same attire but had a different and smaller bag, the hairs around the corners of his face dampened.

"Sorry I had to wash my face and grab my music class bag" He explains in a rushed tone and goes to his bike.

Getting on it he just keeps sitting.

"Well, hope on!" He exclaims, gesturing to the backseat of his bike.

Oh my god! He wanted me to sit on the backseat of his bike?

He wanted to give a ride to music class in the first place?

But something kept telling me not to go. At least, not with him.

"Come on. Clock is a-ticking" He urges.

Again I feel hesitation bubbling up inside me.

Oh fuck this!

I hurry towards his bike and straddle the backseat.

"I— I haven't ever, you know..." I trail away, hoping he would get the gist.

"No problem. Just hold on to me okay?"

I nod, but realized that he won't be able to see since I was behind him, and spoke out loud, "Okay."

I wind my arms around his waist and brace myself for him to start pedaling but instead, he tightens my arms around him making me move closer.

"Now that's better." He hummed to himself and started pedaling.

I initially clutch him tightly as he increases the speed, but then I feel the wind whip my face, swaying my ponytail.

A smile makes its presence on my face and I loosen my grip but still keep my arms around Ved.

I hesitate, but rest my head on his back and let out a slight laugh at the feeling of the wind whooshing around me.

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