The Storm

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      After another sleepless night, Kireina sighed in defeat

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After another sleepless night, Kireina sighed in defeat. It had been almost two weeks since returning to Zuko's ship, much to everyone's dismay, and things couldn't be more...tense. Rein still held hatred in her heart for what Zuko did to her, even the way he spoke about her to Sokka deepened the wound.

The two barely spoke to each other although they did spend every morning together. Neither of them could bare to be alone so each morning, rain or shine, the two met on the deck in complete silence. Kireina refused to speak to Zuko and he respected that. He knew she'd talk to him when she was ready but he was simply grateful to just have her back at sea with him.

Rein rolled out of bed and threw her blanket over her shoulders before quietly traipsing outside. She was up earlier than usual so Zuko had yet to wake up which was a rare occurrence, he was typically already waiting for her. The sun had yet to peek over the horizon leaving Rein engulfed in darkness.

She took a seat along the edge of the ship, dangling her feet off the side to feel the wind against her skin. Her eyes locked on the water below, it was calling out to her. With a twitch of her hand she was able to manipulate the ocean, creating a large stream of salt water floating in the air. Rein smiled, adoring how easy she was able to control the liquid, it was nothing like firebending.

It was as if her childhood dreams of becoming a mermaid finally came true. All she needed now was a tail to sprout and she was good to go live out her fantasy. Kireina hadn't even noticed the smile gracing her face, she grinned so hard her cheeks began to hurt.

"You caught on to waterbending pretty easily, huh?" Zuko's raspy voice spoke, causing Rein to jump in fright and drop the water back into the ocean. He planted himself next to her, their shoulders barely touching. Close enough for Kireina to feel his warmth which radiated off of him like energy.

"It's like I don't even have to do the movements, it just does whatever I want it to, kinda like when I airbend." She responded, shocking Zuko. She hadn't acknowledged him in weeks no matter what he said or did. "It's so relaxing to just play with it."

"Is it that way with firebending too?" He asked, genuinely interested. Zuko knew of only one person who could manipulate an element just by focusing hard enough--a special hitman from the Fire Nation. If Rein was able to control her bending by just a flick of the wrist, she was stronger than he originally thought.

"I can't get firebending down." Rein huffed in annoyance. She tried every day to just light a candle but nothing she did worked. "I feel like I have no control when it comes to fire but I can feel it building up inside of me, Zuko, it's like it's trying to escape."

"I'm going to say what I think Uncle would tell you, it sounds like a blocked chakra." Zuko replied. "Have you been meditating? Or even sleeping at all? You looked exhausted, Reina." He sounded concerned when the rising sun illuminated the dark circles under her bright blue-grey eyes.

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