Time Away

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It hadn't gone unnoticed to Tommy when they finally pulled up at the house, just how quickly she had left him and fled to her room. The car journey had been made in complete silence and he wondered if the depravity he had spilled in the field had made her realise just how dark he was.

Sighing as he kicked off his shoes he made his way to his room. It was the first night he hadn't sunk himself into a bottle of whiskey and he knew whatever sleep he would have would be fitful.

As he passed her door he came to a stop, several thoughts playing around in his head but he decided to leave her be. Surely she wouldn't want to see him?

As he walked into his room and closed the door he noticed straight away that his room had been placed back into order. The bed was made, all of the bottles had been taken away, pictures of his family had been turned right.

Annabelle had been in here even and it made him feel strange. There wasn't any part of his darkness that she hadn't seen.


The following morning he went looking for her in the house but behind every door he found an empty room. Just as he was about to try outside George stepped intro he house holding a crate full of fresh food.

"Where's Miss Thorn?" He demanded as George made his way over, the strain of the box clear on his young face

"It's her day off sir" he mumbled breathlessly as he tried to squeeze.

Tommy blanched at this information "Where has she gone?" He asked as followed George into the kitchen.

"No idea sir. I think into town" George shrugged as he placed the crate down onto the side, dusting down his sleeves.

Tommy turned and stormed into his office as the dark cloud began to expand in his chest. Was she with the doctor she had met last night? Had they made plans while he was with his family?

As he sat in his seat he pushed his hands through his hair and told himself to get a grip. Miss Thorn was his maid and he had to keep reminding himself just that.

As he leaned into his chair and popped his feet up on his desk he remembered her quietly sitting over in the corner, remembered how easy she was to be around and how much he had relied on her.

It was strange, foreign and made him feel weak. Tommy didn't like that. To turn his mood even darker he remembered her eyes when he told her just how close he had been to killing Grace.

Closing his eyes he tried to calm the bile that was rising to his throat. The loss of the woman he thought he once loved was enough but having to remember the night he nearly took her life was causing his head to spin.

"What the fuck did you do Grace?" He screamed as he ran to her, grabbing her by the forearms and shaking her hard.

"I had too Tommy! They threatened me, my husband, they said they would take it all-"

"They're going to hang. They're going to hang my brothers Grace. Why have you done this to me!? Why eh?"

Roughly pulling himself away he shakily bought a cigarette to his mouth and lit it, pushing away the dark thoughts.

It didn't last long as his eyes found the picture on his desk that held his whole family. Linda, Esme and Ada where yet to forgive him for putting Arthur and John in the firing line.

Esme was the most volatile of them all as he remembered her screaming in his face and threatening to cut his heart out with a letter opener.

Linda has sneered at him, throwing weak insults about god striking him down as she watched her husband be pulled away by the police.

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