Golden Hour

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Annabelle and Ada had spent the past hour tied back to back on small wooden stairs. The rope used to bind their hands was that tight that it was biting into their wrists as they tried to wriggle free. Ada was calm enough to tell Annabelle not to fight against it but it didn't stop her.

Annabelle on the other hand was on the verge of a panic attack. The slightest noise in the dark warehouse would set her off and she would silently beg for it all to be over.

"Don't worry okay? Tommy will get us out of here" Ada whispered quickly "He won't let them get away with this"

Annabelle closed her eyes "Why us?" She whispered back.

Ada scoffed "The man in the car works for the Billy Boys. Tommy had been in a war for a long time with them but called a truce a while ago. Looks like the truce has been broken"

"Will they kill us?" She whispered, the drop in her voice giving away her fear.

Ada was quiet for a few seconds "Not it we can help it"


Tommy was talking to Arthur when Peter came bounding over from the window with his wooden toy truck in his hands, smashing it into Arthur's shin.

"Fuck!" Arthur yelped

"Arthur!" Linda snapped fiercely

"Ada gone!" Peter giggled as he passed the car to Linda "Anna gone too!" He said, enjoying the sudden attention of everyone in the group.

"Where have they gone?" Arthur asked as he leaned down to his son, rubbing his knee as he went.

Peter grinned "In car!" And he pointed to the window.

Tommy's stomach dropped when he began piecing together what had happened while they stood fifteen feet away.

"Where there other people with them Peter?" Arthur asked, trying to keep the strain out of his voice as to not scare the child.

"Yes, lots daddy. Lots!"

Tommy stormed out of the room as quickly as his legs could take him. Throwing open the front door he looked out for any signs of them and found one of Ada's heels laying on the gravel.

A rip of terror ripped up his back and he almost doubled over as he realised that Ada and Annabelle had been taken right under his nose.

"Shit Tommy" Arthur yelled as he came up behind him.

"Arthur get the boys! Tell John to lock everyone down" he said as he paced frantically in the door way "Fuck!" He screamed.

"Who is it Tommy?" Polly asked with an expression that mirrored his own, eyes widen open.

"There's only one person" John started

"It's got to be" Arthur agreed

"Who!?" Polly screamed

"It's the Billy Boys Polly, they've taken them both to make me pay for breaking the truce"


Ada shushed Annabelle as the man named Billy Fullerton walked into the room, a snake like smirk across his greasy face.

"Sorry to have kept ya ladies waiting" he said as he sat in the chair at the side of them, neither could see his face well "Am hoping you won't be ere long if Tommy pays his dues" and he gave them a wide toothed grin.

Annabelle retched but quickly calmed herself, afraid to draw any attention to her. Knowing she wasn't strong like Ada she wouldn't be able to defend herself it she needed too.

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