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Everyone began to cheer Lord Beerus up, especially Bulla. As the festivity of Bulla's party continued, Whis had to excuse himself as he was getting a call from the Grand Minister. Whis tap his staff until a hologram screen appeared to reveal the Grand Minister.

"Good evening Grand Minister"

Whis said with a slight bow. The Grand Minister smiled as he return the bow respectfully.

"What can I do for you?"

"Actually I'm contacting you for to give Lord Beerus an announcement. Little Cookie forgot to mention it to him probably because she was too excited"

He said kindly as he explained the news to Whis. Whis was thrilled.

"It will be done, I'm sure Lord Beerus will be thrilled just as I am"

"I will be bringing her in about 2minutes"

He said as the screen disappeared. Whis couldn't contain the smile as he quickly went in search of Lord Beerus and found him helping Bulla open her birthday presents.

"Lord Beerus we really should be going back home"

"I'm busy"

"But my Lord, it's urgent"

Lord Beerus narrowed his eyes to Whis.

"And if I refuse?"

Whis slightly glared at him before whispering to his ear away from anyone else can hear.


He yelled as he quickly stood up.

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's go now!!"

He shouted leaving everyone confuse.

"That won't be necessary"

Said a gentle voice. Everyone turn to look and saw the Grand Minister in a giant bubble along with a little neko who was wearing shades.

"Can I?"

The little neko asked to the Grand Minister. He nodded with a smile before releasing her.

"Lord Beerus I thank you for your time"

The Grand Minister said as he disappeared just as he arrived. The little neko smiled as she looked to Lord Beerus and Whis.

"I'm back"

She said with a smile as she happily ran to her father and embrace his leg. Lord Beerus was quiet as he let her hug him.


He said quietly before smiling and he turn to everyone who was still quiet.

"This is my daughter, Cookie"

He introduced. Everyone gathered around to greet her but Cookie hid herself behind Whis.

"Don't be shy, Cookie, they are very good friends of ours"

Whis said. Cookie looked up at him worriedly.

"Is it safe? Well for me?"

She asked. Whis smiled at her.

"As long as you keep those glasses on, no one will get hurt"

Just then Bulla happily wobble on her steps as she made her way to Cookie and was about to yank the glasses off her.

"No! Get away!"

She yelled pushing Bulla to the ground causing her to cry.


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