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The party was already over and everyone was saying their goodbyes and taking some leftovers. Cookie shyly walked up to Trunks and Goten.

"I hope what happened today doesn't change how you see me. Especially you Goten"

She said sadly. Trunks smiled and gave her a thumbs with a wink.

"Don't worry, friends til the end"

Cookie smiled at him and then to Goten.

"It was nice meeting you Cookie and don't worry about it, everyone has different powers and abilities"

Cookie smiled at him before embracing him and Trunks.

"You guys are the best. So long"

She said with a wave before making her way to Whis. Goten sadly look to Cookie as she was leaving. Trunks simply nudge him.

"Out with it, Goten"

"Out with what?"

"Admit it, you like Cookie"

Goten shyly put his head down with a blush.


"Then go tell her, now's your chance"

"But uh..."

"Just go!"

Trunks yelled as he pushed Goten a little bit too hard causing him to fall on Cookie.

"Ow! What was that for?"

She asked as she adjusted her shades and turn around to face Goten who was blushing bright red scratching the back of his head.

"Um...Cookie I....I just..."



He asked quickly but Cookie read him loud and clear.

"Over sleep? I don't what know but it sounds fun. I'll have to ask Whis"

She said. Goten smiled brightly as she agreed and watched her as she went to talk to Whis. Trunks walks up to Goten.

"So what did she say?"

"Well I didn't actually tell her but I asked her for to have a sleepover"

Trunks facepalm as he shook his head.

"Goten come on, you have to tell Cookie that you..."

"Tell me what?"

Cookie asked cutting in to the conversation. Goten blush once again as he been caught. Trunks let out a sigh.

"Goten likes you"

He said simply. Cookie was surprise and looked to Goten.

"Is that true?"

She asked her eyes open wide with hope.

"Y-yeah, I do"

Cookie then walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I like you too"

"Well my job here is done, have fun at the sleepover"

Trunks said as he went to help his mother put the presents away. Goten's blush soon died down as he remembered what he asked her.

"So what did Whis say?"

"He said..."

"What is this that I hear about you going to a sleep over?"

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