Chapter 68

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"..." Aunt Chen looked at her. Forget it, she couldn't understand the world of young people.

But before she went out, Aunt Chen still said, "Miss."

Nuonuo looked back.

Aunt Chen's tone didn't fluctuate, "This morning Mr. Qiu was so happy. I have never seen Mr. Qiu so happy before. He really cares about you."

Nuonuo's eyes widened, "Aunt Chen, I'm afraid of him. The way he likes people is extreme and scary."

Aunt Chen said nothing and opened the door and left.

Nuonuo received an unexpected call from Song Lian.

Song Lian asked awkwardly about Nuonuo's injury, and Nuonuo felt the discomfort of her eyes and told her softly, "It is okay."

Song Lian's voice was raised, "Dad asked me to thank you, the Song family's shares were returned."

Nuonuo raised her eyes, and suddenly remembered that day when Qiu Li smiled and said, "The original shares in your dad's hands will be transferred back in a few days."

He once said that everything was for her.

After a long while, Song Lian hesitated to say, "Song Nuo, Yao Jiajia pushed you out on the basketball court that day."

Nuonuo frowned, she thought that it was an accident. Unexpectedly, someone pushed her.

"But since yesterday, everyone has been talking about you and Hang Rui. In the evening, Yao Jiajia didn't come to class."

Hang Rui and her rumor was a thing Nuonuo had expected, but why did Yao Jiajia not go to class?

While Nuonuo was thinking, the servant called her.

Nuonuo hung up the call and went downstairs. The servant said to Nuonuo, "Miss, we got a visitor outside. She said she was your classmate, named Yao Jiajia."

Nuonuo said, "Let her come in."

Actually, she didn't see her for two days, but when Yao Jiajia came in, her face was pale, her eyes were red and swollen.

She looked scary.

A middle-aged woman followed her and said as soon as she came, "Sorry, Song Nuonuo, I'm sorry, my Jiajia was ignorant and made a mistake. Can you forgive her?" When she poked Yao Jiajia, she shook and gave Nuonuo an apology by bending 90 degrees, "I'm sorry Song Nuonuo, I shouldn't have pushed you out that day."

Seeing that Nuonuo didn't respond, Yao Jiajia cried, "Forgive me, please forgive me. I will never dare to do that again, I will kneel down."

When she was about to kneel, Nuonuo quickly grabbed her arm.

"Don't do this."

Nuonuo couldn't forgive her, after all, she wasn't the Virgin Mary. Yao Jiajia was only 17 or 18 years old, but she hurt her classmate badly.

But such a bad person was now afraid.

Nuonuo asked her softly, "Did anyone force you?"

Yao Jiajia's eyes widened and she quickly shook her head, "No, no."

Seeing her panic-stricken look, Nuonuo had an idea in her heart. She whispered, "Yao Jiajia, you go back. You're not a child anymore. God is watching from the sky, you should not harm others."

When Yao Jiajia left, Nuonuo sat down on the sofa.

If she didn't forgive her, Yao Jiajia would be miserable.

Qiu Li's heart was cold.

He was arrogant because of his strong capital.

But the cold-hearted Qiu Li, had a terrible wound a moment ago.

His tone even brought a little tenderness to her heart, "So when the bottle fell down. I was thinking, if I let go, I'll hurt you."

Nuonuo was upset.

It was still afternoon at that time, and there was a wind blowing in City B.

Nuonuo took a shower and went out with a warm hooded suit.

"Miss, where were you going?"

Autumn wind blew up the fallen leaves, and the flowers in the garden were soft but strong against the strong wind.

She said softly, "Go to the hospital."

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