Chapter 20

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My heart feels full. God, I'm a hormonal mess, but seriously it does. Yesterday, watching Braxton play with Cora and spend time with both of our families.

Especially since I don't have to keep hiding my growing bump. The baggier sweaters and bigger clothes were just plain uncomfortable.

I can't even fit into my jeans anymore! With Cora, I was around week 16 when I started wearing maternity clothes, but they say you are bigger with your second baby.

It's definitely true and now I'm glad that I didn't get rid of all those cute clothes.

Like serious, maternity jeans are amazing, they are so comfortable and I have my favorite dresses. Especially this adorable pair of bibs.

I wonder if we will do a maternity shoot? I could probably convince Brax to dress up.

He has been so easy going, even when I start crying because we don't have any peanut butter. He just consoles me then goes to pick some up.

Just like that.

I swear he stays over every night. I don't even think he's been to his apartment except to grab clothes. I love it.

I'm on my way home from work and I decided that curly fries just sounded so good. I'm starting to get cravings again and I forgot how desperate I can get.

I already picked up Cora and she is content to watch her movie in the back.

I pull into the drive through and order an Italian sandwich, large curly fry, and a milkshake. Why not? I'm pregnant and bring life into this world. I deserve a milkshake.

I can't even hold off until I get home. I open the bag and bring out the fries.

Stuffing one into my mouth I audible groan.

"Oh my god. These are so good." Great, now I'm the crazy pregnant lady talking to herself.

I'm on my last fry when I see a car coming from the other lane start swerving.

"Mommy!" I don't even have time to think before the car swerves into my lane and then I'm flying.

I'm so sorry little one. I love you my perfect little family.

Then I'm surrounded in darkness.

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