Chapter 28

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The white envelope taunts me and all I want to do is open it.

Braxton and I had our developmental ultrasound the Thursday before last and Dr.Davidson wrote down the gender of the baby in the envelope for the baker.

Julie self appointed herself in charge of the gender reveal party, so I gave her the envelope and she promised to relay the sex to the baker, but she gave me the envelope back.

I swear I think she's trying to tempt me into opening it.

Would anyone really know if I took a tiny peek?

After all, I am the one that's carrying this baby. One peek will be harmless. I decide to just open it, I can't wait until the party. It may be in like two hours, but I don't have the patience for that.

I snatch it off the counter and go to the bathroom. I actually have to pee, again. But also, I can't have Braxton interrupting, he would force me to wait and find out when we cut the cake.

Not happening.

I do my business then open the envelope. All that's inside is a piece of folded paper, so I unfold it and laugh.

Julie is so going to get punished for this. She replaced the doctor's note, and the paper she left says "No peeking until the party." It even has pictures of pink and blue baby rattles.

I might as well go get ready for this party because I'm not finding out the gender of this baby until then.

The dress I chose is white with a beautiful lace design on top and a white layer underneath, so it's not see through. I wanted to make sure that I wore a neutral color. For obvious reasons.

"Hey, Brax? Did you get ready yet?" He and Cora are having a tea party in her room currently, but I don't want to be late and I still need to get her ready.

"Just about to." I walk out of the bedroom and towards Cora's room, stopping to turn my curling iron on.

I stand in the doorway and neither one notices me yet.

"Daddy, I think you need more tea! Here." She passes him the tiny empty tea kettle and watches as he pretends to pour more into his cup.

"Okay, buttercup. Is that enough?" The grin on his face is bursting, but he looks ridiculous wearing a pink tiara and sitting in a kid sized chair next to Cora's three favorite stuffed bears.

"Yep! Here, Tommy, I think you need more too." She takes the kettle back from Braxton and pours some for the bear to her left.

I quietly watch for a few more minutes before Braxton looks up and sees me. He stands and smiles. 

"I'm going, sorry. I just couldn't leave. You look gorgeous." I love that about him. He doesn't play with Cora out of obligation, he actually enjoys it.

"Hi, baby. I can't wait to find out if you're a boy or girl!" He bends down as he talks to my belly. I watch enraptured as he kisses the bump then my forehead.

"Buttercup, time to get ready for the party!" Braxton says as he walks to the bedroom to get dressed. She jumps up and runs over to me.

"Mommy, can you curl my hair?"

"Of course, baby girl!" I lift her to my hip, and we walk to her closet.

She gets dressed all by herself in the white romper I laid out and we go to my bathroom.

I get the stool that Cora normally sits on out and start curling her brown hair into waves.

It doesn't take long and she sits patiently the whole time.

Daddy's Little GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon