15. Good Uncle

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I woke up to someone playing with my hair. When I opened my eyes, I saw Dick lying by his sides and his hand was tangled in my hair.

"Hey, there," Dick greeted, moving his hand to my cheek and ran his thumb over my cheekbone. "I'm sorry, I accidentally picked up a call coming in to your phone. It was your sister and I promised her that you're not dead."

"Well, thank you," was all I could think to say.

So, last night, we didn't end up checking on Rachel, who happened to be in the Wayne manor. Instead, Dick brought me to his apartment and said that one of his brothers would drive Rachel here by the morning.

"How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?" Dick piled.

"Good. And I did, thank you so much," I answered.

"Good to hear," Dick said before he leaned in to kiss me.

It didn't stop on just one kiss. Eventually, I had Dick hovering over me, grinning. His forearms trapped my abdomen. I brought my hand up to stroke his hair once he positioned himself comfortably on top of me.

Dick's kisses trailed down to my neck and collar bone. It stopped somewhere on the curve of my breasts. He looked up to me.

"This first date is kind of advance, don't you think?" Dick asked.

"I mean, it feels like the term first date is nothing more than a formality in this case," I replied.

Dick chuckled.

"When we first met, you did your hair like," Dick's fingers grabbed some fringes from the front part of my hair and loosely wrapped it around my head, "that and I think you're so cute, like, when I got home I thought, damn, why didn't I talk to her? Then, I see you in the nursing home, turn out you're genuinely nice to my daughter. That's when I really want to get to know you."

"That's sweet," I said.

"I really didn't mean to show up as Nightwing to you at all, let alone telling you that I am. I just can't help it when I see you cry in that balcony. Then, hearing what you have to say about Rachel, Rome, I... the closest thing Rachel had as a mother was Alfred before you," Dick laughed in disbelief. "So, yeah, first date is just a formality."

I smiled, nodding in understanding.

"Well, honestly, I don't really care about you at first. It was all Rachel, but, I can't talk about her without talking about you it seems like. At first, I also treated Rachel the way I treat every kid. Though, remembering that she grew up with only a young dad, then, maybe I played favourite," I shrugged lightly. "She deserves it. The love, I mean. Never thought I'd get this far."

"That's hurtful and heartwarming at the same time," Dick commented.

"Well, sorry, Dick," I said.

Dick smiled when I didn't correct the name.

"I like how my name sounds coming out of you," Dick admitted.

"Like last night?" I teased.

Dick grinned and started kissing my chest again.

"Not gonna lie, that's a bonus," Dick said as he moved his lips to my neck.

"So, we are...," I waited for Dick to finish the sentence.

Dick dropped his head on my shoulder and slid his hands down underneath my back.

"I mean, I'd like to say that you're my girlfriend since Rachel calls you mom already. If that's okay?" Dick answered.

I went from single to dating Dick Grayson. What a high jump.

"Sounds good," I nodded, smiling.

Dick paused.

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