How this works..................

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Hey, guys!! This is my first time doing a book like this, so I may do it a bit differently than other authors..... I hope you enjoy it!!


Please don't copy my story!! If you do, I will kill you mercilessly while watching you scream in agony or slowly kill while torturing you. I'm sadistic either way, so please don't do this or I will find you!!


If you're the author of the book, then I'll dedicate this to you while I'll also be telling you whose comment was so effing awesome that I had to call them out!! If I get any comments, that is.


Please feel free to point out in any mistakes I might have made. Just don't go over board with it and constructive criticism isn't so bad either. Just make sure that you guys don't offend anybody including me. 


You guys can message me or comment below to tell me books that you want me to check out!! I appreciate it, but if your book doesn't get mentioned, please don't get angry or upset. Also I will announce the person who suggested the book, too, but if I forget to, please remind me.  


I usually rate the books on a scale of ten and if I ever get comments, then you guys will be able to rate,too!!

Okay, I think that's it for now, and I hope that you'll like reading the book!!

Bye my lovelies!!

P.S. The external links usually contain the short cut to the story. In case, you want to check it out in a faster amount of time.

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