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"Okay so if I just shove this forward slightly, you hold it and I will slide in the small gap" I explain my plan to Jungkook, who just nods.

I go to the fly screen (idk if every country uses fly screens but like oh well) and move it to the right slightly so the left side pops out of place.

Jungkook pushes against it so there is a small gap only just big enough for me to basically dive into it.

I put my hands through first and slither my way through until I land into my bath tub on the other side of the window.

"Oh my fucking god that actually worked" I almost shout in happiness

"Now hurry and open the door!"

"Oh right yeah"

I run to the back door, unlocking so Jungkook can come inside.

"Well I never thought I would have to break into someone's house"

"Yeah well I never thought I would have to ever break into my own fucking house, but here we are"

Guess who can officially drive as of yesterday 🤪

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