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"I knew I should've trusted my gut instinct" I sigh into the pillow I have my face buried in, "why the fuck did I have to listen to your gnome-looking ass"

"Hey! This gnome-looking ass is here feeding you ice cream and listening to you complain while I could be snuggling with my boyfriends" Jimin rolls his eyes and I lift my face up just to glare him.

"I'm such a dumbass why'd I have to fall into his trap" I sigh, "his sexy, godlike trap"

"Did you even let him explain himself?"


"Oh my fucking god, you— I can't"

"What? I was hurt so I just left"

"You're an actual idiot" Jimin face palms

"Go easy there, still mourning over my non-existent love life remember" I say before shoving a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth.

"Come get up, I'm forcing you to let him explain" Jimin lifts me off the bed easily, much to my dislike.

"Wait- what? Whyyyyyy" I complain, "Don't make me go, at least let me be sad for a few more days"

"You've already had three days to be sad"

I grab at my bed sheets in hopes of not being taken away from my bed.

"I will actually carry you over there"





Meanwhile in Jungkooks house...

"What the fuck did I do?" I groan for nth time today, "he hasn't even looked at me for three days, THREE DAYS!"

"Well I don't know, humans are confusing sometimes" Jin sighs, "could he not see that you were fighting notorious homophobe Beomseok?"

"He was probably having doubts about dating you seeing how little you knew of each other and by seeing you fight he thought that you were a violent person" Namjoon finally speaks up.

"Wah- how the-"

"Well he literally said dating some he barely knew was a bad idea so I put two and two together" Namjoon shrugs.

I immediately sadden at the thought of Taehyung thinking Im a bad person when I'm not.

"I have to go fix this" I jump off my bed and start to run down stairs.

"Are you just gonna leave us here- oh okay" Jin starts but stops when he realises I'm long gone.

I slip on my shoes quickly and go to open the door except when I open it I'm met with Jimin holding Taehyung over his shoulder while taehyung kicks to get down.

"Oh hi Jungkook!" Jimin smiles at me, "Here take this"

Jimin pulls Taehyung off his shoulder and basically pushes him my way. I barely catch him in my confused state.

"I'll be going have fun" Jimin waves and walks back to the direction of Taehyungs house.


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