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Not knowing what to do next, both me and Jungkook awkwardly stand there.

Do I look at him? Am I supposed to make a move?

Whilst an internal conflict is going on inside me I fail to notice Jungkooks soft gaze falling on me.

He grabs my hand softly and smiles at me encouragingly.

"What's on ur mind?" he asks gently

"A lot honestly" I sigh

"Like what?"

"Us." I look at him in the eyes and he sighs.

"Look I know all of this is a bit fast and I know you can't fully trust me yet, but you're going to have to believe me when I say I'm not going to hurt you"

"You promise?" I hold out my pinky

He chuckles, but replicates my moves nonetheless, "I promise"

Our gazes stay locked, however it's not awkward. I almost am pulled towards him and I can feel my self leaning closer to him.

My eyes start to close as I see him also leaning forward.

Is this going to be our second kiss?

I can almost feel his breath on my lips at this point and—

"WE'RE BACK- oh- OH- IS THAT TAEHYUNG?? OH MA FUCKING GAWD GET IT SIS" Jimin fanboys at the front door interrupting me and Jungkooks moment.

Both Jungkook and I turn to glare at him and he puts his arms up, "In my defence I didn't think they would be able to hear me"

"How the hell would we not— you know what I don't care" Jungkook shakes his head.

"Fucking cockblock" I mumble

"What?" Jimin questions


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