chapter 31

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Andrea's Pov:

Gabriel has hired two bodyguards in case anything happened, he made sure they followed him in a second car to Mr. Smith's old house.

Now, I'm sitting in the passenger's seat looking from the window absent-minded. This isn't a good idea and I'm aware of it, deep down I know something isn't right.

I take a glance at Gabriel who's focusing on driving. His eyebrows are furrowed creating deep folds which means he's deep in thought, I draw a small smile on my face and take his hand from the steering wheel trying to make him relax. He looks at me confused but then smiles when realizing what I'm doing.

We intertwine our hands, his warm presence making me at ease. I talk trying the break the silence, " you need to relax that forehead of yours if you don't want wrinkles,"

He chuckles then retorts, "I think wrinkles are the last thing we should worry about," he sighs and continues with a whisper like voice, "we should worry about me not using protection last night,"

I snort thinking he's joking but get a nervous smile in return, "you idiot," I slap his head annoyed. I can't have another baby, Gabriel is enough. I don't mind one if the baby had his eyes though.

"I don't mind a mini-you," Gabriel says with a smirk. This is supposed to be cute, what's the smirk for?

'It made your heart flicker' my inner me said the obvious, duh why wouldn't it.

I lay on my seat and put my legs on the open window, when I get a glare from Gabriel I pout and put them down, "It's too soon for kids even though I don't mind them."

"We need to go to the pharmacy to buy plan b," I point out the moment we arrive.

We park a bit far from the said house then Gabriel gets down and opens my door, we walk to the body guard's vehicle to make a plan.

The air was tense, everyone was alert for at any moment an attack could occur. This feels like an action movie and I'm living for it, getting excited to see the beloved car I run to the place it was parked in.

"Oh my god!" I screamed in agony the moment I see the vehicle and fell to the ground to the image of the Mercedes Benz destroyed, "my baby!" I cried again. How could they? It was so innocent and kind. All the windows are broken, the paint is scratched from every side and the tires are torn.

In my moment of grief, I hear snorts coming from behind. I look back sending death glares at Gabriel who puts his hands in the air in surrender, I glare at the guards too when realizing it wasn't only Gabriel laughing at my misery.

"Don't you think you're overreacting?" Asked Gaby with a smile walking towards me. I glare at him again then argue on the verge of crying, "I love my car like my own kid, I worked so hard for it," I take the hand that he offered and stand up.

"All alright, alright." He says then asks one of the guards to call a tow truck. Meanwhile, Mr smith's back door opens showing the one and only bailey.

We all look at her and the bodyguards take place in front of me taking bailey as a threat, which she is. "What are you doing here?" I question moving forward so that I can see her better since the two men's huge corpses covered the view.

She laughs and then points out, "I should be the one asking you that, in the end, you're in my dad's property." She takes a glance at my car and giggles, "oh shit! What happened to your car?"

"I should be the one asking you that since it was in your dad's property," I shoot back with a smirk, nice comeback Andrea.

"A bear must have attacked it," she says, her signature devilish smile on her face.

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