Fuck off, Malfoy

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Word count: 1117

Narrators POV

     Harry was sitting in potions class with Ron and Hermione when Draco sent a flying note. Harry was intrigued as he opened it carefully, to his disappointment it was an idiotic drawing of him with the word "die" written in Draco's hand writing above it. Ron and Hermione peaked at it before Harry crumbled it and got up to throw in the trash. As he walked past Malfoy smirked at him, but he didn't hold eye contact for more then a second. Harry hated to admit it, but he loved that smirk. He loved his dumb face. His stupid hair. His ugly blue eyes. He loved everything about him. He had realized that the second night in first year, though he decided he would never act on those feelings. When he sat back down Ron and Hermione both looked at him. "Don't pay attention to him. He's an idiot." Hermione said. "I swear I'm gonna kill that-" Harry cut Ron off, "It's fine he doesn't bother me." Hermione sighed, "I don't understand how you can stay calm around him" She kept working while she spoke. "If I were you I would've punched him in his stupid ferret face by now."


     They all kept working quietly and turned in their assignment. Once they sat back down Professor Snape stood up. "For our next assignment I will be partnering you all up in groups of 2. I usually would let you pick your partners, but since lately certain students have been distracting the class," He glared at Ron and Harry's table. "I will assign you your partners." As soon as Snape finished everyone in the classroom sighed. Snape pulled out his list and read off the group names. "Group 1, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger." Hermione rolled her eyes as Ron smiled with excitement. Hermione loved Ron, but she knew this meant that she would do 99% of the work. "Group 2, Sally Adams and Neville Longbottom." Sally blushed as Neville got up to sit next to her. "Group 3, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter." Draco scowled at him as he got up to go sit next to him. Harry organized his stuff on his side of the desk as Draco repositioned himself to turn towards the table. "Look Potter, this isn't going to be fun for either of us." Harry looked at him and replied. "Exactly. So let's just finish our assignment and leave it at that." Draco huffed, obviously annoyed.

     Once Snape finished reading off the groups he announced that this would be a 3 day assignment where they'd work on a worksheet for day 1 then different potions for day 2 and 3. Draco scoffed a the idea that he had to work with Potter. "Excuse me Professor? I don't think you paired us correctly." Snape came over to their desk and looked down at him, giving him a glare that even Harry was terrified of. "Why is that Mr. Malfoy?" Snape said, having almost no expression on his face. Draco looked up at him. "Because my skills are way too advanced for me to be working with some one like him." Snape smiled slightly, but stopped quick enough that Harry thought he imagined it. "Trust me Mr. Malfoy, I paired everyone up correctly." He looked down at Harry and then back to Draco. "I paired you two up because I believe you and Mr.Potter will compliment each other's skills." Snape turned and walked away from their table, letting his coat flow behind him. Draco slumped back into his seat and mumbled to himself.  "Just wait until my father hears about this."


     The rest of the class period was uneventful. Everyone worked on their worksheet with their partner while Draco and Harry worked silently next to each other. Occasionally Draco would peak over at Harry's worksheet to see how far he is and then work harder just to get further then him. After they turned it in and left class, Harry, Hermione, and Ron headed to their last class, Care of Magical Creatures. After Hagrid had taught them how to properly care for unicorns, they headed back to the common room.

     Harry sat on the big chair and Hermione and Ron sat on the couch. "So Harry I saw you got paired with Malfoy. How is that?" Hermione asked sweetly. "It's not bad. He works hard and he doesn't bother me since it's just us." They both looked a little shocked. "I didn't think Draco was capable of being even a little bit pleasant." Hermione giggled lightly. "What are you laughing at?" Harry asked curiously. "I don't know. It seems like someone has a crush on Draco." She and Ron started laughing. "What? I do not! I don't even fancy boys..." Harry hid his blush. Hermione and Ron didn't notice. "I'm just kidding Harry. I know you have a thing for the girl from ravenclaw." Hermione giggled. "Speaking of her have you asked her out yet?" Ron asked. "No.. not yet." Harry didn't plan on asking her out though. The only person he wanted to date was Draco, but he could never tell them that. He didn't know how they'd react, he assumed they'd accept him, but it would be different.

They talked for a little longer then headed off to dinner. From Harry's seat he had a good view of Malfoy. Throughout the dinner they'd make eye contact and then immediately look away from each other. On the way out of the dining hall, Draco tripped him. His friends laughed and looked down at him. Harry stood up and dusted himself off. "Fuck off Malfoy." Him and his group of friends "oo"'d. "Harry. You don't wanna go around cursing. You'll get detention." Hermione grabbed his arm and started walking away with Ron next to them. "Yeah have your girlfriend save you!" Draco yelled and walked away laughing with his friends. Ron sighed out of frustration. "What's wrong with you Ron?" Hermione asked. "N-nothing! I'm just pissed that they'd do that to Harry." Ron covered that he was obviously upset that they were calling Hermione Harry's girlfriend. Harry chuckled knowing why Ron was angry. "What harry?" Hermione asked confused. Ron was beet red. "Oh nothing Hermione. It's not important" "Harrrrryyyy!!" Hermione whined, but harry didn't say anything. After they entered Harry went straight to his and Ron's shared chambers as Ron and Hermione sat by the fire and chatted.

A/N if you see this symbol "๑๑๑" at the end of a chapter it means this chapter been edited from the first copy of this story. Don't worry! No changes will be that big, mostly just rewording phrases.


Shut up, Malfoy (Draco x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now