Communication is key

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Word count: 1759

Narrators POV

     The next week went by without anything remarkable happening. Everyone went on as if everything was normal, besides Ron's light hearted teasing. Harry and Draco went on with their secret love, though it made Harry upset. He understood why they couldn't be public, but it still pained him. Some nights, Draco and Harry would go to the garden or astronomy tower past curfew, lay on the ground in each other's arms and point out constellations to each other. Their relationship felt stable and they trusted each other. Everything felt the way it should.

Until the rumors started spreading.

     They don't know exactly how they started, but they knew they were there. Everyone would be talking and then when Harry or Draco would walk into their common rooms the chatter would quiet into hushed whispers. Harry assumed these started because Draco was no longer rude to Harry, but rather pleasant as they passed each other in the halls. Also Harry's obvious blush whenever he saw Draco was not helping either. Harry decided it would be best to ask Ron and Hermione about what they've heard and how they think he should continue his relationship. "Yeah, well.." Ron ran his fingers through his carrot colored hair. Hermione interjected, knowing Ron wasn't going to finish his sentence. "Everyone in the school thinks you and Draco have some sort of thing between you." She said quietly since they were still in the common room. "W-what? Why?" Harry asked as he repositioned his glasses on his face. "Well, you're not exactly amazing at hiding it, mate." Ron said as Hermione sighed. "Look, Corbin saw you two sneaking into the garden after curfew." Harry gasped lightly. "What was he doing out?" Harry asked, confused. Ron shook his head. "It doesn't matter, does it? The point is someone saw you two together. And it doesn't help that he's the biggest bloody gossiper in the school." Harry laid his head into his arms on the table. He was quiet for a minute or two just thinking about what Malfoy would do if it got out that he fancied men. "What am I supposed to do now?" Hermione lightly slid her hand into Harry's. "You should talk to Draco." She gave a warm smile, that Harry couldn't see, but knew was there. "Communication is key." Ron added. Harry sat up a few moments later. "You're right." Harry sighed. "Always am." Hermione smiled and gave his hand a light squeeze before he got up and headed out and towards the Slytherin common room.


     While Harry was talking to his friends, Draco decided to confide in his. All of the Slytherins were at Quidditch practice, either watching or playing, except Draco and his two closest friends, Crabbe and Goyle. Draco was terrified to open up to them, he thought he looked nervous, but in reality his fear made him look more intimidating. He sat on the leather chair by the fire and stretched out on it trying to relax as his two friends sat on the couch. Draco choose his next few words carefully. "So," he paused for a second. "Have you heard any rumors about me recently?" Draco looked at his hands trying to seem uninterested. Goyle looked down, trying not to say anything, but Crabbe looked up at him. "Well, there is one." Draco raised his eyebrow. "People think you and Potter have a thing between you, which is absolutely ridiculous if you ask me in no universe would you fancy boys. It's absolute rubbish-." Goyle put his hand over Crabbe's mouth to quiet him as he saw Draco's slight blush. "Is it... true?" Goyle asked. "Of course it's not! Is it Drac.." Crabbe said as he pulled off Goyle's and then trailed off after seeing the hints of pink on Draco's cheeks. "Oh.." Crabbe looked down. Draco repositioned himself in his chair. And placed his elbows on his knees. "You..." His throat felt dry as he cleared it. "You can not tell anyone. Understood?" Crabbe and Goyle both nodded. They sat in silence for a moment. "So you... you fancy boys then?" Crabbe asked. Draco hesitated. "I think so.. I don't know. I do like Harry, I know that." Crabbe and Goyle both looked down. Goyle looked at his hands and spoke up. "What are you gonna do about the rumors?" Draco fidgeted with his rings. "I don't know. We were supposed to keep our relationship secret, but.. that seems impossible at this point." Draco ran one of his hands through his platinum blonde hair. "You should talk to Potter." Goyle suggested as Ctabbe nodded. Draco thought for moment and then nodded. Crabbe and Goyle both felt honored that Draco had so much trust in them. They felt like after 4 years of friendship that they finally broke through Draco's hard shell. Draco stood up and went to the door of the common room. He turned around before he left. "Thank you." He then walked out and started heading for the Gyffindor common room.


     Both of the boys were now heading towards each of the others common room. They eventually ran into each other. "Draco! I was just about to come see you." Harry said as he swiftly walked over to him from the other side of the corridor. "I was doing the same." Draco said and smiled after he checked to make sure no one was around. "Why were you looking for me?" Draco asked curiously. "Well.. I wanted to talk about.. the rumors." Harry said looking down at his hands and then back up into Draco's eyes. "I don't know if you heard of them but-" Draco cut him off. "I was about to come talk to you about the same thing." He looked at the stairwell for the astronomy tower since they were near the entrance. "Here let's head up here." Draco slid his hand into Harry's and led him to the top of the tower. It was currently 5:45 PM so they didn't have dinner for another 45 minutes. They both leaned on the railing and looked out at the beautiful view. Draco was holding onto Harry's hand firmly. "So.. what do you think we should do." Harry repositioned his glasses and kept looking out at the view. Draco looked down at the railing. "I don't know.." He sighed and looked back out. "We could either.. come out.. or deny the rumors.." Draco knew what Harry wanted to do, but he didn't know if he had the strength for himself to admit that he was a.. Harry spoke up. "I'm okay with whatever you're comfortable with.." Harry smiled weakly and squeezed his hand lightly as Draco looked over to him. "Harry.. I know you want to tell everyone. You don't have to lie to me." Harry looked down sadly. "Sorry.. I know you want to stay hidden, but it's just hard. I've never had a.." He hesitated. "...boyfriend before. I just want people to know I'm proud of who I am." Draco looked at him in a strange way as he frowned. "You're saying...I'm not proud of myself?" Harry looked up at him, clearly this had struck something deep within him. "What?" Draco let go of his hand, Harry instantly yearned for his rings against his fingers again. "You're saying I'm not proud of myself because I don't want to tell everyone I'm a.. I'm a fag?" Harry was now confused. "Draco I didn't say that." Draco looked angry. "But you implied it, Potter." Harry's heart sank, why was Draco getting upset? "I'm trying. I really am. I don't want everyone thinking I'm a faggot if I don't even know who I like!" Harry stared at him angrily. "You don't know who you like?" Draco huffed. "Obviously I like you! It's just, I'm new to this-" Harry cut him off. "I'm new to this too, Draco. It's not fair you're taking out your bloody internalized trauma on me!" Draco stared at him angrily and Harry stared right back, regretting what he said. Draco sighed and turned away from him. "Forget it. I'm leaving. This was a bad idea." Harry turned swiftly. "What was a bad idea?" Draco stopped walking. "This. This relationship. These feelings." Harry's cheeks flushed with anger as Draco started to leave again. "So that's it? You're just going to leave me here? After all those nights? After the secret meet ups? After the fucking night in the garden? That's it?" Draco froze. "What else are we supposed to do?" Draco didn't turn as he spoke. "I don't know, maybe talk about our feelings? Like normal human beings? Oh wait sorry, I forgot, Malfoy's don't have feelings." Draco turned and stepped towards him. "Excuse me?" Neither of them moved. "You heard me." Harry spat. Draco scoffed as he stepped closer. "I should let you know that I have feelings, Potter." Harry stepped closer to where they were now only an inch away from each other. "Then prove it." Draco grabbed Harry and pulled him in, kissing him passionately as his fingers entangled in his dark brown hair. Harry kissed back, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. The kiss felt as if it lasted a lifetime. It was fiery and angry, yet passionate and loving. When they pulled back they were gasping for air. "Is that enough proof, Potter?" Draco smirked. "For now." He turned and leaned against the railing as Draco did the same next to him. There was a moment of silence. "Look.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up on you." Draco admitted sheepishly, he was never good at apologizing. "Forgiven for now... I'm also a little sorry for how I reacted." Harry said as he slipped his hand into Draco's. Their relationship may be rocky, but in the end of every little or big fight they do still love each other. As they looked out at the landscape the wind flowed through their hair, letting their cheeks feel the sun that was hidden behind the thin layer of clouds. "So.. What now?" Draco asked. "I don't know. This is new.. for both of us, and if you don't want to tell anyone we don't-" Draco cut Harry off. "I want to.. I want to tell people." Harry smiled and leaned up against him, laying a soft kiss on his lips. He laid his head on Draco's shoulder, feeling content. They stayed there in comfortable silence until it was time for dinner. If only they knew what tomorrow would bring.


Shut up, Malfoy (Draco x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now