I should've stayed in bed

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I hummed to myself, kicking a rock in front of me as I trudged down the shoulder of 37th Street. It was really late, probably some time past 1am, and the streets were dark and deserted. I'd already accepted the fact that I was probably going to be murdered as soon as I turned down here, but it was shorter this way and I was really tired.

I spun around in a little circle as I walked, trying to keep my brain focused. To anyone peaking out of a window I probably looked insane, turning around in circles and humming loudly, but it all helped me stay on task. 

I hadn't taken my medication this morning, once again. 

Hearing the hum of a car, I stopped my spinning and squinted down the road. I couldn't see anyone, but then again, the streetlights were few and far between. I shrugged and kept walking, but without the circles this time. I wasn't dumb enough to think that there couldn't be anyone waiting to kill me, but I wanted to get home. My frozen burrito was waiting for me. 

The hum of a car got louder as I approached an ally, and suddenly I felt just how deserted the street was. No one could hear me scream.

I heard muffled voices and I slowed, creeping around and putting my back up against the wall. Something told me that I should just haul butt out of there, but that wasn't any fun. I heard laughter as I pressed myself as far into the bricks as I could, straining to hear. The night was abruptly silent. 

It was at that moment I knew I messed up.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here." A tall figure approached me, their face shadowed. Two other figures appeared as well, both of them large masses of what looked like muscle. I couldn't tell since the nearest lamp post was at least a hundred yards away.

"Don't mind me, just making my way home." I laughed nervously, scooting along the wall away from them.

"Looks to me like you were spying." 

I don't think he really heard what I said.

"Well lucky for you, I never hear anything." Giving him my best smile, I turned and bolted. I didn't get very far. A pair of strong hands grabbed my arms, yanking me back. 

"Oh you're not going anywhere, little Russian bambola." 

(Translation: Doll)

I flailed around, kicking my legs as two men dragged me away, their grips like vices. They blindfolded me, and I could only hear the sounds of my feet smacking into the ground, as I tried to run. Not like I could go anywhere. I felt something cold press into my temple, and I stopped moving, going still. 

"Is that a gun?" All I got in response was a grunt, sounding slightly amused. "Fine you can let go of me now. I'll stop."

 One of the guys snorted, and I turned my head in his direction, trying to gauge where the sound was coming from. 

"As if we'd let you go just like that." He had a thick, cheesy Italian accent.

Get it?

Like cheese, and Italian food?

Never mind.

Slowly, I began put two and two together. Kidnapping pretty girls, lots of guns, probably on drugs, (I could smell weed), and thick Italian accents. "Oh my God, are you guys in the mafia?" 

"Smart girl, isn't she?"

Then something hard hit my head and my body went limp. 


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