Shush demons

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I laid, spread out on a plush chair in the private jet. I'd never ridden in one before, and if you haven't either, let me tell you it's great.

We were headed to Paris, only about a two hour flight, and I planed on sleeping for all of it. Well I was, until the sky decided it hated me, and all there'd been was turbulence for the past half hour. 

I groaned, dramatically putting my arm over my forehead. "You're going to have to go on without me. I can't take much more of this."

"Stop being such a drama queen," Antonio said, not looking up from his laptop.

"Well excuse me for getting motion sick, I'll just tell my inner ear it can stop moving around."

He glanced up, concern flashing across his face. "You get motion sick?"

"Only when the plane decides to spin around in circles."

He rummaged around in his briefcase before pulling out a bottle, handing it to me. "Here, take this."

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't take drugs from strangers, only from dealers I know well."

The plane had an extra large dip and my face paled as my stomach did a back flip. 

"Maybe it's fine just this once." I grabbed it out of his hand, downing two of the pills without water.

I'm so tough.


Antonio's POV

I stared at the girl across from me. She was sprawled out, taking up as much room as she could, which wasn't that much. She grumbled, before shifting and going still again. The pills I had given her would keep her asleep until we got to Paris.

I pulled out my phone, quickly calling Sergio. "How are things doing at the manor?"

"Good, boss. Everything is in order."

"Excellent. Are they ready?"

"Yup. We're awaiting your command."

"Oh, and I want those reports ready by tomorrow."

I hung up, before going back to my laptop to finish up some more paperwork. Before we left, I told Sergio to get our men armed in case anything happened with Russians. I hoped we could negotiate, but I doubted we would.

Eva mumbled something and I looked up, making sure she was alright. I internally glared at myself, upset that with just a mumble she could have me worried.

This girl would be the death of me.

I watched her for a few more moments. It bothered me how you could be talking to her, when suddenly she'd look over your shoulder, staring at something no one else could see. It's like she wasn't really there half the time.

It concerned me.

But it shouldn't.

Going back to my paperwork, I checked the time, surprised that almost an hour had passed. I looked out the window, but all I could see was the white mist of clouds.


I felt the plane dip, jolting me awake, as the pilot came on over the intercom.

"Please put on your seat belts, we'll be landing in five minutes."

I glanced over, making sure her seat belt was still on. Eva was still sound asleep, barely flinching when the plane connected with the runway. It came to a stop, and I stood up, stretching my arms above my head. They grazed the ceiling, before falling back to my sides.

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