First Class

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   I woke up screaming again. I keep having nightmares involving the people who died and the Dursleys. It usually starts out that I am at my parents grave. I look around and see names of people I know on tombstones. The ground stars to shake and they all crawl out of the graves. They then start coming at me yelling, "You killed us! It's all your fault!" I start running from them to then run into my uncle who then beats the shit out of me while everyone repeats, "You deserve this."
   I crawl to the bathroom still shocked from my nightmare. I get ready for the day dressing the same as I did the day before. I saunter to the dinning hall, wondering what the day will entail. As I arrive, Snape makes an appearance by billowing past me towards a student who had just fallen down a set of stairs. I hurry over behind the Professor.
   "Professor how my I help you?" I ask.
   "Potter you don't have to be heroic all the time. You're just as annoying as your father."
   "Professor I just wanted to help. If I am not needed then I will be off."
   With that I made my way to breakfast.  Breakfast was quieter than dinner considering that most of the students were not accustomed to waking up at five. The teachers were just as quiet or even more. We had to wake at four. I left early to start my class on time. I got to the classroom with twenty minutes to spare. I did one last cleaning and braised for the students.
   My first class was third year Slitherins and Griffondors. They were loud when they came in, yelling at each other.
   "SILENCE!" I commanded.
   The shutters had closed and it was now dark in the room. They all ran to there seat in silence.
   "Now I will not have this fighting. You will sit in the seats I assign. Today will be an introduction day. Tomorrow we will start to learn. If you do not have your books tomorrow you will have twice the homework. I want you to take this class seriously. It saved my life and the worlds life. Now I dont want to be strict, so please be nice students and get along in class." I stated.
   I saw two boys glaring at each other and smiled amused at the fact that there would be a new Malfoy and Potter to quarrel. I assigned the seats with the two boy right in the front next to each other. Once the class was seated and calm for the most part I said, "Does anyone have questions?"
   Immediately half the class raised their hands. I picked a girl in the very back who looked shy.
   "You said that this class saved the worlds life. How can that be?"
   "Well Ellwood, I had to fight off a werewolf once. I had learned about them third year and that same year my professor was one. I also had to fight off Dementors that same night. If I hadn't learned the spell from my DADA teacher I would have died."
   Many more hads were raised and I answered as many questions  as possible. The rest of the day was similar to my first class. By the end of the day I was tired.
   As I was retiring to bed an owl came packing on my window. I let the owl in and recognized it as Draco's. The bird stuck it's leg out. I grabbed the letter and opened it.
   "Dear Harry,
Hermione, Neville, Blaise, and I are inviting you to a party. We are hosting it at our cottage. This is a casual party. It will be in a month on the 9th. This is in celebration of two years of freedom from Voldemort. Please RSVP.
                                                    - Daco"
   I wrote back quickly. I would be attending the party. I was happy that after the war we all stopped fighting and bonded. Hermione and Draco surprisingly got along well. They both share a cottage with Neville and Blaise. They all couldn't afford a place to live on their own so they share a small cottage.

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