The Party That Changed Everything

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   I aperated infront of the small cottage. It suit the needs of all the residents inhabiting it. I walked to the door and knocked. Neville came to the door wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I felt over dressed in my teaching rodes. I hadn't changed since it was a "casual" party.
   "Harry, mate come in."
   "Neville it's good to see you. I'm sorry I am late. Detention still sucks as an adult." I greeted as I walked in.
   "No worries. Most of us are here."
   There were at least twenty people around the house. I saw some of my friends and others I didn't know as well. There were also some teachers. I walked over to the dinning room as I saw a large collection of red heads. At the table sat Crabbe and Goile talking with Ron. They were discussing a mission they went on as Aurors. I smiled at there joy. The three of them became good friends. I wandered to the livingroom and saw Luna talking with the twins. If you looked closely you could see a pink tint on all of their cheeks. I found Hermione and Draco leaning into each other while talking. I realized something in that moment, everyone had someone to lean on and talk to. I wasn't complaining that I didn't have one. I just found it sweet how something so bad could create this room of goodness and warmth.
   I was brought out of my thoughts as I smelled cookies. I followed the smell to the kitchen. Where, Snape was pulling out sugar cookies from the oven. I hadn't  talked or encountered Snape since he last yelled at me. I wish he wasn't so mean. I know why he is, but I still wish he didn't hide behind a hard exterior. I understand perfectly why the hard exterior was needed. Without it he could be hurt with one word. I am like him in that sense. I had behind a masks to protect myself. If people knew my childhood they would go running for the hills.
   "Potter. Stop staring its rude and unkind."
   "Sorry Professor, I did not mean to stare. I was lost in thought."
   "Day dreaming are you? Just like your father. Not a care in the world for those around you."
   "Professor I do care. If you pay attention enough you would see that I willingly give up almost everything I have and am. I try to be polite and do as you ask. I don't want to ruin your life. I have always wished I didn't look like my parents. So that you and my relatives wouldn't have to suffer. So please set aside your contempt for me and find it in you to be civil."
   "I will only do this so that I might live in peace a while longer." Snape said with sneer.
   I thanked him and turned away to go find Neville. I had a favor to ask. As per usual Neville was outside talking with Luna. I admired Neville's work with the yard. The plants were all bloomed and the grass was still green. Even though we had a warmer summer this year. I walked over to Neville and Luna to hear them talking about how one plant could actually be a creature.
   "Harry, you look not so particularly ordinary now as when you hurt your nose." Luna stated.
   "No I don't. I wanted a change in my life. I was here to ask Neville for a plant. Professor Sprout wants to show the difference between a Screening Baby and a Mandrake. (Just made it up for the purposes of this conversation.)"
   "Of course, I will get you one. Just give me one moment." Neville said while running off.
   "Harry, is it ok to like two people at once? I am stuck with this question and I have not figured it out." Luna asked.
   "I presume so. I have had the same problem and in the end it worked out. I also know who you like, and I will say they like you too. They are more than glad to share you with each other."
   Lunas face lit up like a Christmas tree while turning bright red. I chuckled and told her it's all right.
   A minute later Neville came back with a small pot. The pot was then in a glass box. There was a lable that said "do not open." I thanked Neville and left to find someone to talk to.
   Professor Sprout had asked me to get the plant because she had just come down with a cold. I walked back in to find the twins had managed to turn each other pink and blue with green stripes. They were trying to fix there problems when I went over.
   "Gentlemen. I think I can help." I say.
   "Harry! Please do." They say in unison.
   I cast a simple spell and they look like the normal Fred and George.
   "Thanks Harry."
   "No problem. I do advise though to go sweep a girl in the garden off her feet though."
   They both turned bright red and scurried off to the garden. I then walked to the dinning room to see Ron wave me over. I went and sat next to him. He was still talking with Crabbe and Goil about their mission. The Auror's have been hunting down the last of the Death Eaters. Many tried to create a revolution but each time they were stopped. I was glad I became a teacher. I couldn't handle anymore of the pain and heartache that came from that job. I did do some consulting when needed but that was very rare. It was more for things in parsel tongue than anything. I listened for about half an hour before Draco found me. He waved me over to Hermione and him.
   I walked over to see a gift in there hands. It was a box covered in silver wrapping paper with a black bow on the lid. I sat in the chair beside them.
   "We are telling people one by one and we wanted you to know first." Hermione said.
   I opened the box and inside were papers. I took the papers out and the first one said that Hermione got promoted. The second one was a lease for a house. The third one was a wedding invitation. I was shocked. I was so happy for them I became speechless. I took a second to compose.
   "I am so happy for you both. I am so glad you guys found happiness with each other. Hermione I am proud of you for working your way up in the ministry."
   "Thanks Harry. I'm glad we all got over our quarrels and found happiness with each other." Hermione said.
   Over the next hour or two we talked about what their house would look like, what Hermione's job now entailed, and what the wedding looked like. They had decided on a small cottage like the one they had now. It was near a little village so the kids could go to a primary school one day. Hermione had just taken the final exams like Draco and many other students last year. She had started working in the ministry with Draco. They didn't like each other for about a month but then they were dating by the third. Hermione was now in the courts and if she worked hard enough she could be minister in three years. The wedding would be on the beach in the Muggle World. It was to be in five months. They said it was going to be in Hawaii. I thought it was a little much, but they were happy.
   At around ten o'clock I said my good byes and aperated back to Hogwarts. I hoped for a better future these coming years. I only wished that I wouldn't have a mad man after me.

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