Faces I Never Thought I Would Smile At

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   It had been seven and a half months of torture. I laid next to Severus, while listening to him breath. I had found that his breathing lulled me to sleep without nightmares. I tried to fall asleep again when a pounding at the door startled me. I was scared and didn't know what to do. I shook Severus awake and he looked worried. He heard the pounding and moved us to the corner of the room. We curled into each other, and held on for dear life.
   The pounding got louder and louder till the door went flying. It landed on the other side of the room, right next to Severus and I. I shrieked and hugged Severus tighter. There were two figures in the doorway. I worried they were here to hurt us. I was so scared and lost I barely saw them step into the room. The took off their hoods and shoked Severus and I. Crabbe and Goyle stood in front of us starring. I sighed the moment I realized they weren't going to hurt us. They stepped forward and kneeled infront of us.
   "Harry, Professor, we are here to take you away from this prison. I will carry Professor Snape and Goyle will carry Harry. Seeing as you are too thin to walk and need clothing." Crabbe explained.
   The two men picked us up and I started crying. I didn't want to lose Severus. He was my mate and my light. I need him, I only live for him. Sensing my distress, Severus reached out and grabbed my hand. I clung to his hand like a life line.
   We walked to the infirmary without any disturbances. Once there I started to shake. Madam Ponfery would find out what happened to me and it would be on every page of the Daily Profit. Severus would have to hide and I would be bombarded with questions.
   I was still shaking when we came in. Goyle called out for Madam Ponfery which scared me but I held back the tears. Snape looked at me worried. I think he knew why I was scared. We were placed on bed right next to each other. I tried getting out when Madam Ponfery came stomping in with a glare. I cowered more than when Zardes beat me or when Vernon hit.
   "What do you need Goyle?" She said not taking her eyes off them.
   Madam Ponfery looked like she just got out of the shower. It also appeared to be early morning. So we must have caught her while she was showering for the day. Her hair was in a bun under a bonnet. She had no makeup on and had a thick nightgown on.
   "Sorry to disturb you miss, but we found Harry and Professor Snape." Goyle said kindly.
  Madam Ponfery looked around for a while till she saw us and started fussing. She started with Severus. While she worked I thanked Crabbe and Goyle for finding us.
   "It's our job. Ron had found Zardes an hour befor we found you. He had been lurking around the school and had finally got caught. Now your safe and we have all the Death Eaters under control." Crabbe explained. I thanked them once more and they left.
   I watched as Severus was healed. All the cuts and bruises faded and bones were put back in place or healed. He looked some what normal again just a little beat up.
   Madam Ponfery then moved on to me and did the same. Fixed bones, healed bruises, closed cuts, and more. She then had us both shift into our animagus form. We were then healed again. She said that we should stay in our animagus for the time. We will heal faster and get stronger. She transfigured a hospital bed into a large dog bed for us. Madam Ponfery told us to sleep and stay close since we are mates.
   Severus and I curled up together and slept. I woke a few times thinking I was still lock in that room. I would go back to sleep but still thought I was in there. The next day we were woken up my arguments and doors slamming. I was so scared I jumped and ran under the smallest thing I could find. Snape was right behind me, protecting me and fearing the noise.
   "Let us in we need to see them!" Hermione yelled.
   "That is not advised." Madam Ponfery spoke.
   "Why not. We are basically family and have always been there in times of need."
   "I understand, but you are only thinking in self interest. They have gone through more horrific things than most aurors see in one lifetime, let alone experience."
   "I am not thinking in self interest. I want to help and be there."
   "Miss Granger do not make me use Petrificus Totalus on you."
   "Fine, but I want to see them before I leave."
   "They are over here on their bed." Madam Ponfery said, while walking over to our bed.
   I saw her shock when we weren't there. We were hiding under a cabinet. Only a small child could fit under here. We watched as the looked around till Hermione got to close and Severus growled. He also swiped a paw at her.
   "Ahh!" Hermione screeched as she fell to the ground bleeding.
   "Miss Granger I warned you they wouldn't be so keen on having visitors. Thank you though for finding them. Let's clean up your leg." Madam Ponfery said with some sarcasm.
   I was still scared to come out so I moved as close to the wall as possible. Severus then moved in front of me to protect me from the people outside. Madam Ponfery came back to us as Hermione walked out, grumbling about how she only wanted to check on us. The older lady got on our level and spoke in a kind voice, "You dont have to come out, but I will leave food and water out. I will be in my office but no one else can come in."
   Snape snarled at her as I whimpered in fear of being left in a locked room. Madam Ponfery walked away like she said. We stayed like that for the majority of the day, till my stomach rumbled. I had tried to hide my hunger, but it made itself known. Severus looked at me asking, "Do you want food?"
   "Yes, but I still worry about being hurt."
   "Then I will get you some food and you stay here, ok?"
   "I guess, just be safe and fight back of they try to hurt you. I will come after them if they do."
   "I will stay as safe as possible."
   Madam Ponfery had placed our food by our bed which was on the other side of the room. I watched as Severus slinked across the room, under the bed, to our food. He darted out and grabbed a plate that had chicken on it. He then slinked back. Once safe under our cupboard we ate in small portions, being careful not to over eat and puke.
   We fell asleep after we heard Madam Ponfery leave and the room get dark. We slept for another five hours till another bang woke us up. This time it was Draco. He came barging in fighting Madam Ponfery the same way Hermione, his wife, did. He too got the same response but this time his thigh had a bite mark from Severus.
   Madam Ponfery tended to the wounds. She then sent him on his way as well. Once he had left she walked over to us with a plate of fesent. "You need to stop hurting people. I understand you are protecting Mr. Potter, but you must stop Severus." That's when I growled at her. No one calls him Severus but me.
   "Harry calm down, please. I wont take your mate. Severus is yours." I growled at her words again.
   "Is it me calling him Severus?" She got a growl in response.
   "Ok I won't call him that. I promise." She said as she scooted away.
   We ate a little but not much considering we have been starved. The next three days were calm and quiet. We slept periodically throughout the days. On the fourth day I said to Severus, "Will you come out with me to stretch. My legs are sore."
   "Harry we shouldn't. They could hurt us." Severus worried.
   "We know Madam Ponfery. She would hurt us. If she tries to we just bite and claw at her till she stops. We have some strength now. We can fight back."
   "I guess but only for a short while."
   We walked out causally. Sanding the whole room till we knew it was safe and stretched. I walked around a little yawning along the way. Severus did the same only he was on high alert. We walked back to the cupboard when I decided, why not hide under the bed? It was more spacious and we could see better. I told Severus my idea and he seemed ok with it, though he was more protective of me. We stayed like that for the next week. Madam Ponfery coming to give us food and us stretching. By the end of the week we trusted Madam Ponfery more. She could get closer and we wouldn't do anything. We didn't stay pressed up against the wall as much anymore.
   Then we were woken by three familiar voices.
Sorry for not updating so soon but life gets in the way. 🤷🏽‍♀️😐

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