The Next Ten Years

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My wish had come true. I have been fine for the last ten years. No mad man or crazy monsters.
The last ten years have been sad and wonderful. Hermione and Draco got married like they said. Ron and a lovely lady his age got married a year after. Ron had met her at work and fell in love. Luna, Fred, and George got married right after Ron. Blaise and Neville took a little longer but still got married three years after. Draco and Hermione have three kids now. Luna, Fred, and George have adopted ten cats. They say that they are going to wait for kids. Ron doesnt want any. He says that he just wants to create a good life for himself and wife.
I still teach at Hogwarts. Over the years teachers have died or retired. Professor Sprout got killed by the Womping Willow. It had developed alstimers and didn't recognize her. Her funeral was six years ago, Neville took her place. I talk to him occasionally but he usual is taking care of the plants and talking with Blaise.
Haggard died four years ago. He had a heart attack. He was fourty five years old. That year was very sad. They found a replacement but it's not the same. He is a nice man from India. He has a wide knowledge of magical creatures and works well with Neville. They have added color to the castles terrain and share knowledge.
Mr. Filch and Mrs. Norris retired right as Ron got married. A middle aged woman took his place and she is just as strict. Proffesor Flitwick retired as well and now conducts a choir in London. He left about a year ago.
I still teach Defences Against The Dark Arts. I enjoy showing students how they can use their skills to save their lives. I have been studying more. Neville says that I could be the most knowledgeable wizard he knows, but I doubt it. Snape still knows more. I see him every so often, mostly at meals.
I still struggle to sleep most nights, as dreams of death and war plauge me. I continue to see dead people and my uncle. I wish there was a cure some times. I have only found that if I sleep in my anamagus form I get a few hours of rest. I am a white panther with green eyes. It took me three years to master the skill of shifting. It was always hard to shift with my staff in hand. I have found that staffs allow you to use your magic more freely.
I am excited for the upcoming holidays this year. Its Christmas and most of the teachers and students leave. Therefore I can read in peace and quiet.

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