Family Ties

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Mornings felt like the safest part of the day, like the only part of the day that Abigail knew what was going to happen before it did: pass Elena in the bathroom, be ignored by Jeremy as she walked down the stairs, watch the news and drink coffee with Jenna.

The only thing that changed was the volume of the television. It dwindled slowly until Logan Fell's reports for WPKW 9 became more frequent. He and Jenna dated all through high school, reaching a tumultuous end when he cheated on her. She left Mystic Falls as soon as she could, only coming back to visit on special occasions with no plans to return until that fateful night in May.

Logan's voice still managed to fill the quiet first floor of the house. "To repeat, the animal terrorizing Mystic Falls has been caught."

It was a coincidence, she told herself in the following days. The numbers, Bonnie's feelings toward Stefan, Tanner's death. But as Logan's voice came back into focus, it was harder to ignore what she had before.

"Scum ball." Jenna dragged out each syllable, pulling her attention to the kitchen. "Scum bucket."

Elena let out a confused laugh. "The news guy?"

Jenna didn't turn away from the television, so Abigail answered for her, "Also known as Logan 'Scum' Fell. He's-"

"Oh, no way!" Elena followed her locked gaze. "You and him? He's cute."

"He is not cute," Jenna hissed. "There's nothing cute about him."

Abigail sat down at the table in front of a small box that was usually tucked away in a safe deposit box, housing century old family heirlooms.

"What are you doing with that?" Elena asked.

"I went and got it yesterday. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it to the Founder's Council for the heritage display at the Founders' Party." She reached over her shoulder into the box, picking up her favorite piece of jewelry. "Grandma Beth's wedding ring. Originally, it great-great-grandma Mary's wedding ring."

"How do you remember all of this stuff? I mean, you know every story behind every single thing in this box." Jenna sat down at the table. "You probably know everything there is to know about the Gilberts."

"No, I don't think I do." The thought of the family stories that died with her parents crept out of the corners of her mind as she picked up the Gilbert pocket watch. "Dad did."

Jeremy walked in then, dragging his feet to the coffee pot, tipping it until the last drop made it into his mug. He stopped next to Abigail and gently took the watch out of her hand. "How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, like on eBay?"

She snatched it away from him. "You're not gonna find out."

His expression told her he was arguing. "That stuff is Mom and Dad's. You can't just give it away."

Elena sighed. "It's called a loan, Jeremy."

Turning away, he scoffed.

Abigail grabbed his arm, stopping him only long enough for him to pull away. "I would never give any of this away, okay?"


His response was only one word, but it hit her as hard as he slammed his door.

Jenna stood up. "Well, I'm off to the Lockwoods."

"Watch out for Logan," Elena teased.

"Trust me." Jenna grabbed her bag and keys without looking. "See you girls tonight."

Abigail was left alone to look over the contents of the box when Stefan arrived. The Gilberts were one of the founding families of their town with over a century of history. The things in front of her were what was left of her family, what connected her to them, so she took her time going through it all. It had been hours, but when Tyler's voice came from the front door, she wished for more time.

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