a d u l t

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the madness of those days:
my throat dry and tight
swallowing my fears in silence

dad asked me how my day went
all I answered was "fine"
(it was bad)
(and I wanted to die)

at that time I was 14,
I already hated myself, and
school was my personal hell

yesterday I found old texts
written by my teenage self
they shocked and
suffocated me
because I'm still here
and I thought I'd die at 25

where are you, old child?
I miss you more than my dreams

I miss laughing
I miss feeling
I miss those years, and
I'll forever miss my happy life
my fairy tale: my childhood

Is there no way to go back?
Please, let me go to that place!
I beg the universe, but it laughs back

there, a long time ago,
I was happy, loved and kind
there, a long time ago,
I had everyone
no one was missing

now everything is falling apart
25 is coming, I'm old and dying
the ghosts are still here,
reading my art

Dead SoulTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon