a l i c e

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a castle of cards:
Alice is trapped inside an Ace of Diamond,
while the Queen of Spades stabs the white rabbit,
a clock lies broken on a field of plastic black clovers

in a spiral of colorful wind
everything falls into the void,
lost inside the confusion of suits

outside, above the game,
someone is shuffling the cards
while the dealer pays attention
with a crooked smile on his face,
covered by a hat

clubs, hearts, diamonds and spades:
they all come out to play.
but in the middle of the hurricane
drops of water: the rain

in the middle of the swirl, they fall down:
the Jack of Spades, his hands painted in red,
the Queen of Diamonds, without her head,
and the coveted treasure: the crown

Alice grabs a card in the vortex: the Joker
but before everything goes blind,
she hears a laughter and arrives
at the bottom of the deck,
where the pain resides

they were all dead there

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