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Kiara cut her wrist and dripped some of her blood into a cup. She appeared next to Draco.

"Drink this"

"I'm not going to drink your blood!"

"It will heal you just drink it"

He reluctantly sipped at the glass. All the cuts on his knuckles healed up. He was shocked.

"Ugh and you have a black eye"

She floated a medical kit towards her.

"Don't move"

She sat on his lap with her legs on either side of his torso and cleaned up his face.

"Well this is kind of hot"

"I said don't move"

He chuckled. She finished.


She stayed there and they stared at each other for a moment. She then cleared her throat.

"Right well we should head back to class"

She got up and grabbed his hand. In a second, they were in class.

"You slut! Where did you go with my boyfriend!"

Pansy was yelling.

"Shut the fuck up Pansy! I'm not your bloody boyfriend! I don't even like you so stop being so damn clingy!"

Pansy looked annoyed. Kiara laughed.

"You'll regret this! The both of you!"

The two of them shrugged and sat down. Harry came up to them with his friends.

"What do you want"

"You tried to kill me!"

"But I didn't"

Draco chuckled.

"Shut up Malfoy!"

"sHuT uP"


Kiara's eyes turned orange. Her hand lit on fire.

"You have 3 seconds before I blow up your head"

He ran off. The two of them laughed.

"You're not that bad when you aren't trying to kill me Kiara"

Pansy looked super angry. She threw a pencil from behind Kiara. She caught it and turned around.

"That's it you bitch!"

She exploded all the windows in anger. She appeared next to Pansy. Pansy looked terrified.

"Stop messing with me or I'll kill you with no hesitation"

She burned Pansy's hand. She didn't stop until a voice came from behind her

"Calm down"

She turned around in a rage and saw it was Draco. To hers and everyone else's surprise, she calmed down. They sat back down. The professor walked in and immediately saw the broken glass everywhere. They sorted it all out and began lesson.

"I don't understand how you did that"

"Did what?"

"Stopped me from killing Pansy. I don't know how you managed to calm me down"

They shrugged and got on with class. Afterwards, Harry came up to them yet again.

"What the bloody hell do you want!"

Kiara turned and faced Harry.

"You nearly killed me. I say we have a duel. If you win, I'll leave you alone. If I win, you leave the school."

They were stood in the middle of the hallway. Everyone moved to the sides to watch.

"This is stupid Potter"

His friends appeared from behind him.

"Ooh I'm so scared. Fine. I guess we're doing this.

Harry shot a spell at her. She didn't even look at him and it didn't work. As she checked her phone she flicked her hand, sending his wand flying away. Then she threw the three of them against the wall by moving her wrist. As they were about to get up, she moved her hand, causing Harry to slide all the way to her. She hadn't looked up from her phone yet. Then she picked up Harry and drank blood from his neck. She tossed him aside. He got up, while covering his neck with a hand. He tried to touch her, so she set her whole body on fire, causing him to burn his arm. He then said

"Oh my god you win! Just please stop almost killing me!"

"Told you."

As she was leaving, Pansy stabbed her side. Draco immediately ran over to Kiara.

"Oh my god we need to go to the infirmary right now!"

Kiara pulled the knife out of her side. It immediately healed. Pansy was then scared as to what Kiara would do to her. Before she could move, Kiara stabbed her arm, causing her to shrill out in pain. She brushed off her shirt and walked off. Draco walked with her.

"Are you ok?!"

"Just fine"

"You were just stabbed!"

"I don't have a cut anymore"

Draco looked at her side and saw there was nothing there.


Before she could do anything, she saw someone stab Draco, causing him to go unconscious.


Kiara fought Harry! And she won (obviously) And poor Draco 😭 hope you guys enjoyed!

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