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Draco and Kiara were at the doorstep of his house.




He knocked at the door. His mum invited them in and they all ended up in the living room.


"Father. This is Kiara"

Lucius looked over to Kiara

"Your blood type?"

"I'm not a wizard"

"Right. Well you killed the dark lord and another powerful witch. What exactly are you?"

"Well I'm a witch, vampire, and I'm the queen of hell"

Lucius laughed

"Really? A witch and a vampire? I don't believe you"

Narcissa put her hand on Lucius' arm.

"It's fine Lucius"

"No now I need to see this"

Kiara chuckled

"Yeah no. Not a good idea."

"Well then I don't believe you."

Kiara moved her hand, causing Lucius to fly off the sofa and onto the wall. Draco put his arm around her waist.

"Calm down love. As awesome as that was"

She chuckled. Lucius got up and brushed off his shirt.

"How dare you!"

"You told me to prove it to you"

"Fine! But I do not wish to believe you're a vampire. And there can't even be a queen of Hell"

Kiara's eyes turned orange and her hand lit on fire.

"Would you like to test that theory?"

Lucius went pale.


Narcissa cleared her throat.

"How about we go eat dinner?"

Everyone sat around the table. They began serving themselves food. Kiara pulled out a blood bag and began drinking it.

"So you really are a vampire"

"So I am"

She finished drinking the bag.

"I guess you weren't lying then. You really are a witch, vampire and the queen of Hell"

"I am indeed"

They continued on with their dinner. Lucius seemed to like Kiara. While they were talking, Kiara heard something outside

"There's a car that just pulled up. Two people walking to the house and-"

The doorbell rang. Before anyone could move Kiara was already at the door.

"Where did she go?"

"She's already at the door father"

Everyone rushed to the door.

"How did you move that fast?!"

"Vampire speed"

"And how on earth did you hear all that?!"

"Vampire hearing"

She moved her hand and the door opened. It was Kai and Katherine.

"And who may you be?"

"Mum! Dad! I thought you both were going home?"

"Well we knew you were coming to meet Draco's family and thought, why not join"

Everyone came inside and sat down.

"So Mr and Miss...?"

"Katherine Pierce"

"And Kai Parker"

"Right. Well neither of you are wizards."

"No. I'm a witch"

"And I'm a vampire"

"I'm sorry but you don't look that old Miss Pierce?"

"I'm nearly 500 years old. I'm older than your entire family"

Lucius cleared his throat. He was visibly terrified of Kai, Katherine, and Kiara. They slowly warmed up to each other and began talking when both Kiara and Katherine heard something.

"What the hell is it now ugh"

Someone threw a knife from behind Kiara. She caught it without even looking at it. Lucius' eyes widened. She turned around and saw some random guy in the shadows of the room. She moved her hand causing him to slide out into plain sight.

"And what brings you here"

"You killed our coven"

Kai piped in from behind them

"Actually that was us"

"You killed our leader. I'm here to kill you"

He stabbed her leg. Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco all came over to see what was happening.

"My god you've been stabbed we need a doctor!"

Kiara pulled the knife out of her leg as Katherine held the guy back. Her cut healed instantly

"But how-"

"I heal quickly"

She grabbed his neck and drained him of his blood. She burned him into ash and then disappeared his body. Mr and Mrs Malfoy looked terrified. 

"Well that's sorted"

They slowly got back into their chatting. Eventually, it was time for Kai and Katherine to leave. Kiara and Draco were going to leave as well, but Draco needed to talk to his father first. The two went into another room and spoke quietly

"I quite like her. You may continue your relationship however you please"

"Aw it's nice to know that you like me"

"You heard that?"

"I hear everything"

Draco and Kiara then said their good byes left.

Lucius approves! Hope you guys enjoyed!

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