Chapter II: Arriving in Port

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"Douglas, wake up! We will be arriving at our destination within the hour."

"Alright, I'm up! Quit yapping already." Douglas grumbles as he wipes the sleep from his eyes. After waking up properly, he looks around the small transport plane they were flying on, "Tell me again why we are flying in this... thing?"

"Well, we are on a bit of a timetable here, Douglas." Collins reminds his friend. "This is the only plane heading to the base at the time. And a boat would have taken too long."

"I suppose so," Douglas admits with reluctance, "doesn't mean I have to like it."

Collins laughs at his friend's sour expression.

Douglas looks out the window next to him, gazing out at the clouds and ocean below. "I have to say I think this is the farthest I've ever traveled from home. So, this is the Pacific, huh?"

"Let me guess, not turbulent enough for you?" Collins asks with a small grin. "This isn't the North Atlantic, Douglas."

"It just doesn't feel right to me, is all." Douglas makes a gesture at the waters below, "I'm used to the waters always ebbing and flowing. It made it feel alive. Here... I don't know, the water is too still. It feels stagnant."

"Admiral, we are coming within view of the base now, sir." One of the pilots of the plane relays to Collins.

"Understood, Pilot." Collins looks out another window and points, "there it is, Douglas, Azur Lane Headquarters. A sight to see isn't?"

Douglas stares out at the quickly approaching base, its details becoming clearer by the second.

Calling the base large would be an understatement, as it was constructed around what looked to be a massive water-filled crater surrounded by towering white cliffs. Its facilities were scattered all around the circumference of the crater, wherein its center sits a small island connected by three bridges, each going to opposite sides of the base.

"It is certainly one of the larger harbors that I have seen." Acknowledges Douglas.

"Indeed." Collins points in another direction, this time at an Aircraft Carrier located just outside the base, "and that is where we will be making our landing. That Carrier will then take us into the harbor."

Douglas' eyes widen at the sight of the ship. "Is that...what I think it is?"

"One of the Illustrious-class ships? Yes, it is. The Formidable if I remember correctly." Says Collins. "Beautiful, isn't she?"

"Aye," Says Douglas softly, "that she is."

Less than ten minutes later, the two men exit the small cargo plane and step onto the flight deck of the Formidable. Waiting for them were two of the most curious characters Douglas has ever laid eyes on.

The first one was what seemed to be a young man, short in stature, wearing the uniform of a high-ranking officer of the Sakura Empire. He was rubbing his hands in a nervous fashion.

The second one was a tall and shapely young woman wearing a black gothic dress. Her hair was the color of ash and it cascaded down her shoulders in waves, which reminded Douglas of the old fairy tale about Rapunzel. Her eyes were also a startling red, which simply added to her mysterious beauty.

"Admiral Collins." The Sakura Officer salutes, "Welcome, sir. I hope you had a pleasant flight?"

"Pleasant? There was nothing about pleasant about it." Douglas mutters behind Collins. The Admiral choosing to ignore his friend.

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