Chapter V: The Queen Commands and We Obey

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Queen Elizabeth was rendered speechless for the first time in her life. Did this... giant just ask her who she was. How did he not know who she was?! She is the Queen, after all!

She, along with Warspite, Hood, and Belfast, was hoping to find the commander and ask her about the Admiral and the Creator that were on base.

Hood steps forward. "Greetings, gentlemen. We were hoping to speak to the Commander, is she here?"

"She was called away on an urgent matter, I believe." Collins holds his hand out to shake. "But perhaps I could be of assistance. I am Admiral Collins of Her Majesty's Royal Navy and this my colleague of mine, Mr. Lockheart, formerly of the Naval Engineers."

Douglas nods his head in greeting, "Ma'am"

Hood blinks in surprise, then smiles. "Oh? What a coincidence, you two gentlemen are just the ones we were hoping to converse with."

"And why is that?" Collins asks her with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, we wish to welcome you both to the base, as we are the Royal Navy representatives here." Says Hood. "Speaking of which, where are our manners? You gave us your names and we didn't return the gesture."

She performs a curtsey, one hand holding her blue skirt aloft while her other hand is elegantly crossed over her chest. "I am the Admiral-class Battlecruiser Hood. Greetings and well met."

Queen Elizabeth makes a short huff before stepping forward. "Queen Elizabeth-class battleship - Queen Elizabeth. From this day on, you will be my faithful servants!"

Warspite steps forward, but sill behind Queen Elizabeth. "Greetings, I am the second of the Queen Elizabeth-class battleships, Warspite."

Belfast curtsies, "Good day to you. I am Belfast, the second ship of the Edinburgh class."

The two men stare at the four women for a moment, before Douglas does something unexpected.

He starts laughing. He starts laughing so hard that he had to hold his sides.

"W-Why are you laughing?!" Demands an incredulous Queen Elizabeth. "Stop it a once, I command you!"

Douglas only seemed to laugh harder at the Queen's demands while Collins stood there with a perplexed look on his face.

Warspite draws her sword and points it at Douglas. "Cease your mockery this instant! You are in the presence of your Queen!"

Douglas does stop laughing, but only so he can glare at the two girls. "Right. And I'm Sir William Wallace."

"Who?" Asks Queen Elizabeth.

Douglas steps forward, towering over the two young warships. "A real queen would know who that is." He then yanks Warspite's sword out of her grasp. "Don't you know you shouldn't be playing with swords, lassie?"

"Give it back!" Warspite tries to make a grab for her sword, but Douglas simply holds the weapon above his head, making it well out of Warspite's reach.

"Apologies for being called away, Admiral. My quartermaster was being her usual..." The Shikikan stands immobile in the doorway to her office, wondering what she has just walked into. "What is going on?"

"That is something I would like to know as well, Commander." Says Collins. "Tell me, who are these four exactly?" He asks, gesturing towards the four Royal Navy Ships.

The Shikikan hesitates to respond, having been completely caught off guard by this entire situation. "W-Well you see sir, that is, they are..."

"The Hood, the Queen Elizabeth, The Warspite, and the Belfast?" Interrupts Collins, causing the Shikikan to shoot a look of surprise at the Admiral. "They told us. I only asked to confirm my suspicions."

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