Teach Me

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A/N- Woohoo! Surprise weekend update! I ended up surprising myself by writing 6,000 words today on another not so short story that I'm working on and so I decided to celebrate by posting an update over here. My regularly scheduled Red update will be going up tomorrow too.  I hope you enjoy this chapter. Next update for Rogue should be on Tuesday unless I get impatient again! 

Part Four of Seven

"Teach you?" he asked, his eyes growing wide.

"Yes. Teach me, like you've already been doing. About what it means to be mates. My parents died when I was four. My brother was a few years older than me. He raised me. He died a few weeks ago. He protected me from packs and rogues. Well for as long as he could. But he didn't really have an education about mates either. He was pretty young when our parents died too and around the time before they died they had a lot on their mind. I'll explain some other time. Anyways. The point is, we basically grew up by ourselves in the forests between Alaska and Arizona staying away from packs and moving all the time. There was no one to explain any of this mate stuff or how it worked or sex." She shrugged her shoulders as she said the words casually.

"How old are you?" Alpha Clay was suddenly worried. This was his mate, but maybe he should be taking things slower. None of this was happening at all the way that he had expected.

"Seventeen. Almost eighteen. I'll be eighteen sometime around the winter solstice."

"So three months?"

"Yes." she nodded. "But I want to learn more. Teach me." she snuggled against his chest and stared up at him, her eyes returning back to their normal blue color.

"Well, how about I build a fire, and we just snuggle up by it," he scooped up her shorts and handed them back to her as she frowned at him. "And in the morning I'll have some of my men pick us up here and I'll take you home and you can take a nice long bubble bath and we can start getting to know each other better."

"I thought that's what we were just doing?"

"Well, half an hour ago you never wanted to see me again. And while I very much want to take you and mark you and mate you and never let you out of my arms, I also don't want to move too fast. You're my mate, the most important person in my world. I don't want to mess this up."

"Well this certainly flipped around." she rolled her eyes.

"Tell me about it," he grumbled, shaking his head.

A half hour later they'd made a fire ring and cleared the space around it and Nova was kneeling to build the fire.

"I can do that," he volunteered but sat back to watch as her hands moved quickly. His lips curved into a smile as smoke began to wisp upwards from the rapidly moving stick she twisted between her hands, curling towards the sky. In a matter of moments the flames had caught hold of the kindling and in ten minutes she had settled back near where he was sitting, not quite touching him, her arms wrapped around her knees, staring into the flames.

"You seem very self sufficient." He lowered himself so that he was behind her, encircling her with his arms loosely. He was pleased when she leaned back, relaxing against his chest, lifting one hand and letting her fingertips play lightly down the top side of his arm, sending a trail of sparks everywhere that she touched.

"Mhmm." she murmured softly, letting her body sink into his. "I didn't have much choice."

"You said you'd tell me later how you became rogues. Is now late enough?"

"Maybe." She tilted her head back and he stared at her profile, marveling at how perfect and beautiful she was. "First you have to tell me something, Alpha." He noted the hint of laughter in her voice and it made him smile.

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