~Ask FrUk~

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England and France were sitting on France's living room couch, cuddling, when the door was suddenly flung open and a strange girl with waist length black hair and violet eyes ran into the room, slamming the door and locking it behind her.

"What the bloody hell?!" England shouted, sitting up. The girl grinned. "Hi! I'm BlackRoseReaper but you can call me Dragon if you want. I'm taking you two hostage for a little while!"

The nations stared. "What?" "Quoi?" Dragon's smile got wider. "Yep! I'm the authoress so what I say goes! You two are going to answer questions that the readers have!"

She turned to the "Readers". "Send questions for these two please!!" She gave a piece sign before looking back at the two stunned nations. "I will be in the kitchen. Carry on." Then she turned and walked away.

France and England turned to face each other.

"What the bloody..."

" 'ell just 'appened?!"


So, please send questions! This story is inspired by Chocolateismylover 's story Ask GerIta on fanfiction.


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