Chapter 6

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The staff in the mansion would eventually find a trail of clothing that led into the chambers of the master of the house. A jacket here, a shoe lying several feet apart from its twin, another jacket over there followed by a silk shirt; a scattering of buttons and then another shirt, this one in tatters, and then a pair of trousers, too small to belong to the young master.

And that's because by the time Liam was finally laid across the gigantic king sized bed in Zayn's room, all he had left on was his underwear, the front damp with precome, his cock straining painfully against it.

Zayn, shirtless and panting heavily, looked at the way the moonlight fell in broad beams across the Omega, making his pale skin shine bright white, and his chest hurt with how much he wanted him. Liam arched off the bed, reaching out to him desperately, his eyes moist with tears of desperation.

"Please, Zayn," his voice shook as he reached out an arm to him. "Need you so much, I can't think."

Zayn wanted to tell him that his own brain had stopped working long ago; probably the minute he'd seen Liam arrive downstairs at the party in his neat grey suit, his skin shining with new, young strength, his eyes sparkling. Zayn had literally salivated like a dog that had a bone dangling in front of its eyes. He'd wanted the Omega so badly that his wolf had nearly sprung forth out of pure frustrated rage, right in front of dozens and dozens of the most important people in the city.

Quickly taking off his shoes, socks and trousers, Zayn climbed onto the bed, bringing his knees on either side of Liam's slim hips and leaning over him, pressing their chests together. The smaller man sobbed, tears rolling down his face as he pressed up into Zayn, bringing his arms around him.

"I'm begging you, Zayn," he whimpered. "Kiss me... Please, kiss me."

"Liam," Zayn whispered, sliding one hand under his head, raising it slightly...

Hot, trembling lips met and at that moment, the universe seemed to implode.

Liam felt nothing, heard nothing – his world was Zayn. Zayn's mouth, warm and wet, Zayn's tongue, demanding entrance and sliding boldly into his mouth, Zayn's fingers gently tangled in his hair, one muscular arm slipping under Liam's back and pulling up sharply, crushing him into himself.

And though he felt completely foolish, Liam could not stop the tears that fell unchecked down the sides of his face, his sobs into Zayn's mouth making the man wrap both arms around him in a vice like grip, making Liam feel like nothing and nobody could ever touch him again – he was Zayn's; body, mind and soul.

Gently pushing his hands into the thick black hair, Liam moaned through his tears, moaned through their first, heavenly kiss, licking over Zayn's tongue, sucking on Zayn's lips, grinding his cock into his bare stomach and whimpering pitifully.

When Zayn pulled away, Liam wailed at the loss of his mouth before gasping in shock, his soaked underwear being torn off his body by two large, dangerously strong hands. Zayn groaned at the sight of Liam's cock, pink and leaking onto his flat, pale stomach, before leaning forward and sucking on Liam's lips once more, his muscular body taut with tension, trembling with desire.

As the material of Zayn's underwear rubbed against his exposed erection, Liam had to wrench his mouth away from Zayn's so he could scream in agony. With a snarl, Zayn wrenched the garment off himself, and when he leaned back down to claim Liam's mouth again, his massively thick length rubbed tantalisingly over Liam's own, making him shudder and sob.

"I can't hold on anymore," he whimpered into Zayn's shoulder, his tears wetting his skin. "I need you inside me, please, I can't take this anymore."

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