Chapter 8

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The following week, Liam's first heat set in.

Zayn had been out for a short day-trip that day and when Liam finally did slip into heat that evening after a whole day of being jittery and on edge, Zayn still hadn't been back.

If Liam had thought that the unbearable need he felt for Zayn when he'd manifested had been torturous, it was nothing compared to how his heat felt. His skin felt like it was not nearly enough to contain his body, like his insides were going to steadily swell until he was torn open. Every inch of him felt like it was on fire, right from his scalp to his very toes. The sheets he lay on felt too cool against his skin, simultaneously soothing the burn and yet somehow aggravating it further. His arse, feeling hollow and empty, ached to the point where he writhed on the bed, muffling his screams of agony, the sheets soaked through with his arousal. His hard cock leaked onto his stomach and he knew there was no point in touching himself because until he was filled by Zayn, there would be no relief, temporary or otherwise.

He'd curled into a ball, his nails digging into his palms until they bled, his teeth clenched to prevent his screams from escaping, and he'd fallen into a dizzy faint. And so when Zayn had arrived, his senses nearly overwhelmed by the sudden drastically increased intensity of Liam's scent, he knew instantly what had taken place in his absence.

Harry had been mid-sentence when Zayn had suddenly been assaulted by the scent, and just like that, the Alpha had bolted out of the room, heading straight for his chambers where he knew Liam was, his cock automatically hardening at the waves of arousal that drifted through the mansion.

And so now when Zayn burst into the bedroom, he was horrified to see the Omega lying shivering but otherwise nearly motionless in the centre of the bed, the mattress beneath him drenched and his skin shining with sweat, his breathing ragged and uneven.

Zayn was undressed within seconds, climbing onto the bed and covering his body with his own. "Liam," he whispered, pushing the Omega's hair off his sweaty face, gently kissing his eyes until they fluttered open.

"Zayn," he replied hoarsely, his legs falling open under the Alpha, wordlessly begging him for release. Without thought or hesitation, Zayn rolled Liam onto his front, hitched his pale hips up and pausing only to part his gorgeous, round arse cheeks apart, drove his cock straight into him.

Liam came almost immediately, his body shuddering as he sobbed into his pillow and came in sticky hot spurts onto the already soaked sheets, bucking back onto Zayn's cock, wailing at him not to stop.

"I won't, my love," Zayn soothed, running broad hands over Liam's trembling back, along his sides, holding him by the hips as he began to rut harder into him, the room soon filled the with wet squelching sounds of Zayn's cock being thrust into Liam's overflowing channel.

"Zayn, oh my god," Liam was still sobbing as he sat up on his knees, leaning back into Zayn and turning his face for a kiss. "Is it really you?" he asked dazedly as Zayn nibbled on his lips.

"It's me, precious, I'm here," Zayn said, holding him close, picking up the pace so Liam cried out and fell forward onto his hands once more. "So wet... so beautiful," he groaned, leaning back as his hips continued to piston back and forth at a frenzied, ruthless pace.

Liam tightened impossibly hard around him and suddenly exploded into another viciously intense orgasm, his very bones seeming to erupt into flames at the pleasure coursing through him. "God, Zayn, it's too much!" he pulled at his own hair at the relentless need that continued to course through his veins, even as Liam's cock stretched and filled him to the point of leaving him breathless.

"I know, love," Zayn said desperately. "I know it hurts. It'll get better soon, I promise. I'm right here with you."

Liam whimpered, slamming himself backwards, his ragged panting sounding pained, his eyes so heavy that he couldn't open them for more than a few seconds. "So good," he moaned, holding on to the bedpost as Zayn's thrusts got even harder, the force of the Alpha's body repeatedly knocking into his sending him further up the bed. "Zayn!"

Love and Conflict (Mpreg)✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon