Chapter 11

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Zayn heard his phone buzz on the bedside table and stirred slowly, unwrapping one arm from around Liam's small form so he could reach out and snag his mobile. He squinted against the bright light as he unlocked it and clicked to open the new text message that had just popped in.

From : Currllyy 🤘

Need to speak to u ASAP. Literally as soon as ur awake – im already downstairs.

Yawning, Zayn checked the time; it was just going on half past seven. Realising that he was already fully awake, Zayn decided to go check out what this urgent matter was – Harry rarely called on him for anything, he was one of the most efficient people Zayn had ever known.

Slowly, so as to not wake the deeply sleeping Omega next to him, Zayn pushed the covers off himself. Liam was so tiny that he basically disappeared under Zayn's immense, muscled body most nights, the Alpha practically crushing the frail body under his own as he draped himself over Liam's tightly curled form.

Zayn pressed a kiss to Liam's forehead and then paused for a second, smiling as he took in his perfect face – even after all these months, even after being married to him for nearly six weeks now, he could barely even begin to comprehend how anybody or anything could be so utterly beautiful. Liam wore his hair slightly longer now and it fell in silky locks across his face, the gold strands catching the early sunlight and gleaming softly. His mouth was a luscious pink pout, swollen red and sore from being sucked on through most of the previous night. His eyelashes were unbelievably long and grazed his sharp, angular cheek bones. His skin was half a shade or so darker than before, proof of all the sun he'd soaked up on their month long honeymoon in France.

Zayn and Liam had barely made it out of their enormous bedroom during those weeks, making love nearly round the clock, going from frantic and nearly violent to leisurely and gentle and back to ruthlessly rough and kinky. Zayn had feasted on the syrupy sweetness of Liam's arsehole for endless hours, and Liam had been nearly delirious from the continuous volley of orgasms Zayn had given him one after the other.

They slept late into the day most days and only ventured out for a dip in the sea at their private beach, learning quickly to carry a blanket to spread underneath themselves so they didn't get sand in their most intimate areas seeing as Zayn nearly always ended up vigorously fucking his Omega on the beach once they were both wet and half naked.

On top of their already rampant honeymoon lust, Liam went into heat about ten days in and that lasted a whole week by itself. They literally didn't leave the bed for that week and Zayn had been secretly proud of his nearly seven day long erection. Liam had been wild and nearly shockingly randy even for an Omega in heat, and he demanded more and more until he could barely even lift his arms or move his legs, and were it not for Zayn's innate strength as an Alpha, he'd been sure he would have been reduced to that state of exhaustion himself.

All in all, it had been a honeymoon that had gone beyond his or Liam's dreams and neither had wanted to leave their little sun filled haven to come back here, although two weeks after their return, they were still just as consumed by love and need for each other.

Zayn now kissed Liam's head one more time for good measure, his heart swelling almost to the point of elated pain at how lucky he was to have him in his life – to have him as his own. Carefully tucking the covers around Liam's naked, love bite covered body, Zayn got out of bed, stretching and yawning on his way to the bathroom, the taste of Liam's saliva and arousal still fresh on his tongue from last night.

After he'd showered, brushed and shaved, Zayn dressed and soundlessly tiptoed out, heading downstairs to the sun drenched patio outside where he knew Harry took his breakfast. Sure enough, Harry sat at the wrought iron table, being served fried eggs and bacon by the servant on duty who bowed as Zayn entered and hurried to set another place at the table.

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