Chapter 16

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Liam almost didn't want Zayn in the room when Louis sat down to begin examining him. He was so anxious as to what the results might be that he could barely lie still. Zayn hovered near the door, shifting from foot to foot, looking like he would love to go sit beside Liam on the bed but was holding himself back because he probably sensed Liam was already on edge.

"How are we today?" Louis asked with a soft smile as he began pulling out things from the little kit he carried with him. Liam smiled back, knowing he was just trying to set him at ease but internally he was screaming at him to just get it over with already. He fidgeted slightly, adjusting his head on the pillow, clenching his hands into fists.

"Lift up your shirt and push your trousers down a bit for me, please?" Louis requested. His calm, unruffled manner helped keep Liam's own unease at bay and he didn't find it difficult to pull his shirt out of his trousers and lift it up past his nipples, unbuckling his belt and lowering his trousers until it was just about covering his privates. He caught Zayn's eye and gave him a small reassuring smile, Zayn hurriedly returning it, taking a step towards him and then pausing.

Louis didn't even spare his state of undress a second glance as he carefully tipped a vial of a light blue, oil like substance over his belly. It felt slightly cool but quickly warmed as he rubbed the oil into his skin, all over his stomach. He wiped his hand on a clean white cloth that he pulled out of his kit and then opened the slim wooden box that he had pulled out earlier, sliding the panel lid off.

Inside were beautiful, opalescent gem stones, each a different shape, nestled on a white satin bed. Liam stared at them, the way the light shone off them, the smooth, shiny surface.

"Charmed Moonstones," Louis smiled before lifting out the perfectly round moonstone. He placed it directly under Liam's navel and to his surprise, they felt warm, not cool as he'd expected. Next he lifted one that was shaped like a tear drop and placed it above his navel, a couple of inches to the left. He then placed an identical tear drop shaped stone above and to the right of his navel so that the three stones formed a triangle of sorts, with his navel in the centre.

Next he pulled out another vial, this time a completely clear liquid and uncorked it carefully. Zayn approached the bed curiously, stopping at Liam's feet as both men watched in silent fascination.

Very slowly Louis brought the lip of the vial to Liam's belly button and with an obvious lot of care he tipped it, millimetre by millimetre until one, two and then three drops of the clear, sharp smelling liquid fell into Liam's navel.

Liam's breath hitched slightly – as warm as the oil had been, this was shockingly cold. Zayn made a slight sound of distress at Liam's sudden jerk but the Omega quickly shook his head with a smile.

"Just cold, that's all," he said softly.

"I'm so sorry, I ought to have warned you," Louis said anxiously. Liam just shook his head again, waving his hand to show he was fine.

He could feel the chill seep down into his navel, going further below until it felt like it was entering his body. His belly suddenly clenched at the sensation which was fast spreading, now no longer cold but a sharply contrasting warm. The warmth seeped wider and wider, all three of them holding their breath, until Liam's gut burned with a gentle heat from the inside out, something swirling around in his lower belly like itwas being stirred.

And then the moonstones began to glow. It was a quiet, pulsing white glow at first, both Liam and Zayn gasping softly as they lit up. And then the colour began to change – the bright white dulled to a light cream, which further darkened to a pale yellow.

All of a sudden, the glow went out and Liam inhaled sharply as the stones heated, their milky centres swirling around as if tiny galaxies were trapped within.

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