chapter 4

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Finding Louis Tomlinson's Facebook wasn't such a good idea, as Harry spent a staggering 90 minutes scouring through each and every photograph and status update. His profile picture was absolutely adorable, and containing the gorgeous Zayn alongside him, and the two of them looked like models. It hurt Harry's heart.
He concluded that they were both too attractive for it to be fair on his health. How dare they? He was already stressed enough, what with school and work to deal with, and now he had to handle the fact that these two Gods were masquerading around Holmes Chapel (but yeah, Harry still mainly cared about Louis. Zayn was just a good piece of eye candy on the side.

Wow, yet another stunning photo that made Harry convinced Louis was secretly a model. Or an angel. Or both. He wanted to thank, and shake hands with, whoever took this photograph because it surely made his day (and made it into the downloads folder on his laptop - shhh.)

Harry's phone vibrated beside his laptop, its screen lighting up to show a text from Liam.

Liam: What are you up to h??

Stalking your damn brother online. HA.

Harry: Just catching up on that biology project. You?

The lies.

Liam: Bored outta my mind buddy. My mum's out and gave me and Lou jobs to do, I've cleaned the entire kitchen and he's just sat in front of the tv doing nothing!!

Harry breathed out a laugh through his nose at the thought of Louis' careless attitude. He definitely seemed like the sort of individual who would happily sit and watch the television, with his feet kicked up, while his younger brother did all of their set chores.

Harry: Harsh. Tell him you'll trash his room if he doesn't help.

Liam: It wouldn't make a difference, his room is a tip already!!!

So was Harry's room, to be honest. There was something Harry loved about Louis' smug, indifferent, half-arse attitude; he clearly didn't give a shit about much. Harry really wanted to see Louis again, but he realised how much he'd been at the Tomlinsons' house in the last week, so it'd probably be a while until he was invited there again. It was a boring Sunday too, the day after the swimming pool conundrum, and so far Harry had only made an effort to go on his laptop. The day was young: it was only eleven o'clock in the morning.

Harry: How are the chores going then? Got a lot left to do??

Harry found his way in. Perhaps he could ask to help Liam, get himself invited round, see Louis, suck his dick... well, minus the final thing, sadly. Although that was definitely on his to-do list.

Liam: Absolute shit-ton left to do. Feel free to come over here and do them for me!! Niall wasn't convinced enough to hahaa

Well. Bingo.

Harry: I could actually come over and help you if you want?

Liam: You don't have to Haz, I was kidding :D

Harry: I know but I don't mind! Seriously, I've got nothing better to be doing.

He really didn't. He had to stop stalking Louis before it went too far, and there was no turning back. Louis may cause him to spiral into insanity, yet he was choosing to see him in the flesh instead. Again.

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