chapter 14

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"I'm pretty sure you just had convulsions." Louis smugly remarked, still lightly panting merely from how hard he had been working to get Harry off. "I can tell that was your first real orgasm. Right?"

Harry felt he was blushing. "Well... yes, it was." He piped up.

"I've honestly never seen anybody cum so hard, holy shit!" Louis chuckled, taking a deep breath before releasing it in another sharp laugh. "It was absolutely incredible."

He grabbed some tissues from a tissue box on his bedside table, dropping a few by Harry's arm.

"It felt incredible. Thank you." Harry timidly muttered, using the tissue to wipe up the cum streaked up his stomach. Louis watched him carefully. Harry launched the scrunched up tissue into the bin across the room, before reaching over the bed for his discarded clothing, slipping back into his underwear.

"No problem." Came Louis' delayed reply, as he fondly smiled at Harry. "I can't believe I got to be your first. Again. Anybody would have been lucky to witness that, God."

"You'll make me blush again, stop that!" Harry gushed, sweetly covering his face with his hands, which seemed habitual for him now.

Louis breathily laughed, and then there was quite a silence to follow. Harry got beneath the cold covers during the quiet, settling back against the pillow again, just staring at Louis for a moment. He tiled his head aside slightly in thought before he filled the silence, realising Louis wasn't going to do it.

"So you're straight?" The question fell from his lips, the word 'straight' feeling acidic in his mouth. Pairing such a word with Louis' name did not make Harry feel very buoyant.


"But... you were saying how hot all of that was, how incredible it was. I don't understand."

"Let's not talk about this now," Louis waved a hand, "Let's go to sleep now, come on."

Well... okay. Clearly somebody was a bit insecure about their sexuality. Thanks to Harry. Wow. Louis, still wonderfully topless, moved from the bed over to the makeshift, rather uncomfortable bed on the floor, after switching out the main light in the room so just a lamppost's glow from outside the window pooled into the room. The sudden darkness contrasted greatly to the previous brightness, and Harry was still rather shaken up (in the best way possible). He attempted to fully lie down, the silence deafening as it hung above them. Louis moved around a bit, getting comfortable, before he stopped completely and there was no sound in the room.

Harry's brain was still whirring. There was an ache now in his bum, a dull pain that bored into him, but his heart was still irregularly thudding and there was a sense of calm over him from the past orgasm's sheer intensity. He finally knew what it felt like to have something inside of him. And he had never felt something so good, so powerful, in his entire life. He could only imagine actually getting fucked by somebody. The thought made his breath hitch, while his mind constructed that 'somebody' as being Louis. He composed himself, drawing in a deep breath and trying to close his eyes. All he could see in his mind was Louis right above him. Shit.

There was no formal 'good night', just an unfillable silence that sent them both to sleep.

"Harry." A frantic whisper ripped Harry from his sleep, pretty much a metaphorical slap in the face. His eyes prised open, finding Louis perched on the edge of the bed. Seeing Louis' face again, so suddenly, caused him to inhale a harsh breath of air, memories of what had happened last night flooding into his brain.

"Oh, hi." He mumbled, smiling tiredly at him.

"I've got to get you home, as soon as possible. Before everybody else wakes up. Okay?"

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