chapter 28

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"You left your location on on your Snapchat map. I can see you through the window."

In an instant, Harry and Louis whipped their heads over to look out of the nearby window, but outside was too dark to properly see, and the dim streetlights weren't doing much to aid it. Harry's heart was racing, palms sweating and head spinning.

"Well, fuck." Louis defeatedly groaned, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands. "Just our luck."

The bell above the door in the diner rang out, and Liam emerged. He was dressed in an old Parka that he used to wear to school a couple of years ago, and a scruffy pair of old trainers, which showed he had probably thrown on whatever he could so that he could be right on Louis' trail. Wow, he must have walked all the way to the diner once he had seen Louis there on the snapchat map.

He had a very concentrated expression, eyebrows furrowed as he approached while looking between the two of them. He dramatically pulled up a chair, sitting on it backwards and resting his folded arms on the back. What did he think this was, a fucking soap opera? It might as well have been.

"What's going on?" He asked the bombshell question. He didn't look to be joking around either.

"We're just having a drink, Liam." Louis muttered, refusing to even look at him, distracting himself by using his finger to push around a pile of salt that had tipped from a nearby shaker. Harry was such an atrocious liar that he didn't dare to even look Liam in the eye, or say a word.

"I'm not stupid, Louis. If this was just a drink, why did you lie and say you were with Zayn? You're seeing each other, aren't you?" Liam accused. "Harry, speak up."

Harry just shrugged, looking down at the tabletop.

"Don't put Harry on the spot," Louis defended, "This is all very dramatic, Liam, the way you're acting."

"You haven't answered my question, so I'm taking it as a yes." Liam grunted. "I knew you gave Harry that mark on his neck, I fucking knew it. And the shoes in the hallway! For fuck's sake, how long have you been hiding this? I thought I was going crazy!"

"This isn't fucking Eastenders, Liam, calm down. Why does this mean so much to you? I can guarantee hundreds of people around Britain are seeing a mate's sibling."

"I don't like it. I've mentioned that." Liam spat.

"That's very selfish, Liam." Harry mumbled, as quietly as he could without losing the surge of confidence.

"Selfish? You two wouldn't know each other if it wasn't for me! I knew I shouldn't have introduced you all. Wait until I tell mum, Louis. She's not going to be happy." Liam threatened.

"You don't have to tell mum," Louis stated, hands splayed out defensively, "She will just say I'm taking advantage of him, and he won't be allowed round anymore."

"Have you slept together?" Liam interjected, an accusing finger diverting between the two of them. "I swear, if you have..."

"Why does it matter to you? It's none of your business." Louis hissed. "We're two human beings, the fact that I'm related to you is really pretty insignificant."

"You've been cheating on Eleanor." Liam shuddered. "Poor girl, she really likes you. And meanwhile you've been fucking my mate!"

"Stop saying it like that. You can either accept what's happening, or you can sulk like a three-year-old." Louis snapped. "They're your options."

"Or I could tell mum."

"Who will accept it in the long-run, and then you'll look like an idiot. You already suspected something, I know you did, so why are you letting this affect you so much?" Harry finally spoke up properly. "Can you not just face it?"

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