chapter 1

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(Sup starries im currently working on 2 books at the same time but idc ill try to add more as soon as i can :3 welp havw fun)

*bryans POV*

Hello my name is bryan devill, im a fire dragon slayer but i havent always been a dragon slayer i learned my magic from a dragon when i was younger,
one day after school i was on my way home when i fell trough the ground into a dark cave, i was scared and was trying to get out, but the cave was too big and high so i couldnt get out on my own, i started looking around the cave when i knew i couldnt get up on my own, and in a corner of the cave there was laying a huge red dragon with beautiful scales and everytime it took a breath the scales underneath started to glow a bright goldish colour, i was scared for my life and i got more scared as the dragon opened its eyes and looked at me, i was very scared i was trying to scream but i couldnt i was too scared to move nor talk, i fell to the ground and was still making eye contact with the dragon untill i suddendly heard a strange voice.

"you dont have to be scared young one"

I immiditaly looked around me to see if i could find the person that talked to me but then i heard it say.

"You are in no danger young one and you dont have to be scared of me i wont do anything to you"

I immidatly looked at the dragon and i was amazed that it could actually talk to me and i could understand it i asked very scared and shy H-Hello? And kept making eye contact with the dragon it had a very bright ruby colourish eyes i loved them they kinda look like mine-

"Dont worry i am too weak to even do anything if i wanted too"
I looked at him confused and i asked what do you mean by that?
"Well you see- there was a dragon war over 400 years ago you probaly heard about it already"

Ye i know about that we are now actually learning that in history class

"Well thats good to hear Bryan"

Wait how do you know my name?-

"I know everything little guy"


"But as i said the dragon war over 400 years ago was a disaster and it was good that the humans helped with defeating the evil side otherwise the war wouldve been still going on"

Still been going on so ur saying that if we humans didnt help the dragons that there would be still war in alantide?

"Yes lucky some humans were smart enough sadly some not but we won and that is the only thing that counts"

I guess ur right- i was starting to get more comfortble around the dragon

"But back to the story i am a fire dragon i fought in the war 400 years ago along with alot of other dragon kind but sadly i got injured in one of the last battles we had and the other dragons put me in this cave untill the treath was gone but they have never gone back to get me so i was left behind but i dont think they would leave me behind without a reason to"

Oh i'm sorry mister dragon i didnt mean to make you upset or anything.

"Oh dont worry young one ur fine"



Well i think i might need to go or my parents will start to worry about me

"Oh right ye here let me help you"

When the fire dragon got up i looked at it amazed he looked so strong and powerfull

"U good little one?"

Uh? Oh yeah im fine

"Ok lets get you back up there"

He picked me up and put his head towards the ceiling i grabbed the long plants that were hanging down and climbed up furter by myself

"There you go little one"

Thank you mister i will be back tomorrow after school if thats ok?

"Of course see you tomorrow little one"

I walked away very embarressed

(Well that was the end of chapter 1 people hope you enjoyed see you next chapter :3) *words used 726*

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