chapter 4

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(Sup ⭐stars⭐ sorry it took the whole day my mom and i were home alone so we decided to do a movie night thats why this is so late anyways enjoy :3)

*bryans POV*

I woke up this morning with a HUGE headace, but i didnt care so i stood up put on my clothes and went downstairs,

I looked up to see my mom make breakfast so i went up to her and said good morning and went to sit down next to my dad wich was reading the newspaper, morning dad!

"Morning bry bry"

Is there something interesting in the news today?

"Meh not really i guess"

Oh thats good i guess?


My mom walked up to me with pancakes, i mean wasnt really hungry, but i ate it anyways, when my mom noticed that i didnt eat my pancakes immidatly and was hesitating about it she asked if i was alright? Of course i said yes, just not really hungry i said while starting on my pancakes,

"Are you sure bry bry?"

Y-yeah? Why are you looking so concerned?

"Oh nothing"

Ok? I knew something was up but i wasnt really in the mood to ask about it, i finished my breakfast and stood up grabbed my bag and said goodbye to my parents and headed out to school, as soon as i entered the school ground i heard everyone talk and wisper around me i kinda felt being watched.... i walked up to the wall of the school to lean on it so i could read my book, until 2 students suddendly walked up to me... i was scared at first but i just ignored my feelings...


Hm? I looked up to see the 2 people standing infront of me i panicked and asked if they needed something?

○oh no we were just wondering how you were doing we saw what happend to you yesterday and we didnt really get the chance to ask if you were ok○


O-oh yeah im fine thank you for checking up uuuh?-



O-oh im bryan nice to meet you guys i said with a smile as soon as i looked at them again they had worried faces?- ermm are you guys ok?

○hm o-oh yeah just is that normal?○


what do you mean? Kay pointed at my eyes, i looked confused at her and jakey and then walked up to a close by window, i looked in the window and.... my eyes..... they were so.... dull.... i blinked and looked again they turned back to normal and i was still in shock....

○are you ok bryan? I dont know what is going on with you but... i hope you are alright-○

●y-yeah what kay said●

I-i never had this before i said.. i kept looking in the window untill the bell rang i picked up my bag wich i dropped, i said goodbye to kay and jakey and walked to my class, first piriod math... its a good thing that im good at math i guess, i said to myself.

*Jakeys POV*
(yup adding a new POV for this chapter)

I-i dont know what to say... i mean what can i say?!? I dont even know what even happenf i- i-


I turned around to see kay i looked at her confused.

"I have been calling your name for 2 mins! we have to go to class before we are too late for history!"

O-oh right i forgot sorry lets go i guess,i smiled at kay and started heading to my class

Check her stories out :3*
*After school*

*Bryans POV*

I mean school went pretty good today? I guess? I didnt get beaten up this time at least- the day was good but boring like always except for this morning, i mean first the headace them my eyes? Maby mr.dragon knows about this more? I were on my way to visit him untill i heard a familiar voice coming from behind me....


It was kay? Oh geez shes pulling jakey with her?! O-oh hey guys how you guys doing?

○meh school sucks i guess○


I looked at jakey i dont know what i felt but... it felt great... i stopped staring at jakey and looked at kay, soooo what you guys want? I mean u dont come after me without a reason im guessing?

○oh right we were wondering if we could walk home together she said with a smile on her face○


I-i have stuff to do i cant im really sorry...-

○o-oh thats fine i guess we can do it another time if you want?○


I looked at jakey he looked very dissapointed...- i feel guilty for lying but i cant let them know about this.... so i said yeah sure some other day ok?

○oki well bye bryan see you tomorrow○

●b-bye bryan...●

Bye kay bye jakey i waved at them as they were walking away, i still feel guilty for lying to them but... they cant know... i walked into the woods to the cave, i climbed down the plants and this time i landed on my feet instead of my face for once!

"So so i see you landed on your feet this time"

I looked up to see my dragon smile at me, i laughed YEAH finnaly, my face was kinda done with getting hurt all the time i guess.

"Hahaha yeah"

After that we laughed about it for a while and started talking about the dragon slayer magic he told me about 2 days ago, i dont know what to think of it, it sounds so powerful and amazing! I didnt realise i said that outloud!

"Well i guess it is"

Oh my god i am so sorry it wasnt my intention to say it out loud!

"Thats fine kiddo, so i was wondering if you thought about it yet, i mean its a life changing desicion"

I-i actually did yeah...

"And do you have a answer or do you need more time to think about it?"


I-i will do it!

1059 words

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