Chapter 13

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(Lets see how long it takes now its now friday the 27th at 10:38 am QwQ lets see peeps and enjoy)

*Bryan's POV*

It felt so light, i mean it felt like i was floating, i started to walk in a straight line, well i dont know if its a straight line but- i walked and walked and walked but it just stayed white- there was nothing here, i just sat down after a while, i was tired, i dont know why, i started to hear the voices again.... what was going on why were they wispering, i couldnt hear anything they were saying,


the wispers stopped... it was quiet....

Perhaps too quiet....

*Bri's POV*

When we walked closer we saw that jakey wasnt just sitting there.. he put up a force field around them?

"Jakey whats going on?"

Jakey turned around shocked, i looked at lo pho and kay that were as confused as i was,

"THEY are here, they tried to take bryan!"

I immidiatly looked around, i didnt see anyone nor i felt their magic, i walked up to jakey and bryan, bryan was still out cold, i asked jakey to put down the force field, after he put it down i picked up bryan,

"If they are here we better move him somewhere saver"

They nodded and lo pho leads the way, i dont know where we are heading but i trust lo pho, we went out the guild hall into the woods, i looked behind me, there was something there but i ignored that, because if i got too distracted i would get lost, because lo pho didnt stop walking nor did kay, only one that kept a eye on me was jakey, i could imagine he was worried,

"We are almost there!"

Lo pho shouted at me, i dont know why but i have a bad feeling about this..., i walked a little faster to come closer to lo pho, i looked up to see a big magical tree,

"This is a spiritual tree only people with a good aura can get close to it"

Now i know why lo pho wanted to go here, as soon as we all got trough it i layed bryan down in the grass, we kept our eyes on the barrier for a while, after 10 minutes i picked up bryan again and looked around the place, there is alot of spiritual energy here, i walked towards the tree and layed down bryan once again, then i looked back and saw 4 people standing outside the border, they looked very mad, after a while waiting they left and we started looking around more,

"So how did you know about this place lo pho?"

I asked lo pho, kay and jakey were amazed and quiet, i mean i dont know what we should do, help bryan is our priority i mean we dont want the............ to die this soon, lo pho ignored my question and we walked back over to bryan to see alot of spirits around him, they all had different colors, they looked very shiny, as they saw us they flew away, they looked at us from above, we looked at bryan and he was now serrounded by flowers, i sat down next to him and jakey joined me, lo pho and kay went to read the book,

"D-do you t-think h-hes ganna be ok?"

Jakay asked me,

"To be honest i dont know"

I looked down at him, he looked peaceful, i saw the place where the dart hit him, around it it went all to scales, his body was turning into his dragon form, i guess thats a side effect of the posion? I looked at lo pho and kay, they were still reading.... i looked at jakey and he kept looking at bryan,

"Hey jakey wanna sing with me?"

I asked him with a fake smile on my face, i saw he hasitated for a while, but after that nodded, i wispered the song in his ear, he looked at me with a smile and nodded, and a few sec later we started singing, i have to say we are both good at hitting high notes.

(Srr i had too i like this song XD)

*Bryans POV*

I heard people singing in the distance... i could finnaly hear what they were saying/singing, i enjoyed listening to it, after they finishd singing i went the way it was coming from, the voices were somehow fermilliar, i looked behind me to see a dragon? It started to come towards me, i wasnt scared of it since i knew dragons were my friends, i walked up to it, when we came close that we could almost touch, i put out my hand and let it come to me, after a while he did and i started to pet him,he picked me up and put me on his back, after that he flew the direction the voices were coming from..

*Bri's POV*

After we finished our song lay and lo pho found what they were looking for,and it wasnt to hard to do either they said, they just needed space and let lo pho do his job, i took jakey and kay with me to explore a little more, we ended up climbing up the tree all to the top, the view was amazing, it was night time already and the stars and moon were out, there were no clouds to be seen,

"Bryan w-wouldve loved t-to watch t-this..."

I looked at jakey same did kay,

"What do you mean?"

Kay and i said at the same time, we chuckled about that,

"W-well one n-night bryan and i w-went to d-divius magica to meet other w-wizards and d-dragon slayers like him, A-after that we w-went back and i-it was dark a-already and bryan s-said to me that h-he loved to watch t-the moon and t-the stars..."

Kay and i looked at each other and nodded, i guess that makes sence, i mean where hes staying theres glass above him, so he kinda has view over the stars and moon every night, the place what he claimed is a perfect place for looking at them, ive been there alot of times to do the same, after a few minutes lo pho called for us, i hope it worked because this was the only plan we had, as we came down lo pho stood next to bryan, we all looked at bryan to see him almost jn his full dragon form, but his scales werent red-

they were........


(END OF CHAPTER 13 PEOPLE TwT this took me so long, i worked all my breaks on it TwT (friday 27th at 17:28/ 5:28 pm) btw i know there are some misspelled words here and there pls correct them for me in the comments
(Btw i am 14 a girl and so give me credit for all the good spelled words UwU)

Words 1193

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