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Rileys pov:

I took my bags and walked straight to the school.

„Riley, wait for me!"

Draco yelled. I had to wait because he can be a dramtic bitch sometimes.

„Come on Draco, hurry up."

As i say those words i see George walking out the train, he wanted to walk up to me but he saw Draco with me, so he just waved and smiled.

„What are you looking at? Oh not him again. Riley come on we have to go now, that boy is not good for you, he's a Weasley-"

„Say one more thing about the Weasyles and i'll break your arm Draco."

I cant handle it when he talks bad about the Weasleys. They're like a second family to me.

We continue walking.

Dracos pov:

She can be very mean sometimes, but i like that.

What? I like that? Wth is wrong with me?

We arrive at Hogwarts, Riley still cant ceep her eyes from that Weasley boy, and i cant ceep mine from her...

„Come on Riley, lets go to our dorms."

„Im comming."

If i could i wouldnt just make you come to your dorm-

Wth was i thinking! Why am i thinkin this- ew.

„What is it Draco?"

„Eh, nothing just- just ceep walking."

Puh, that was close. I think she knows something is off.

Rileys pov:

What is wrong with him?

We seperate our ways and go to our dorms, i dont share a room with anyone, neither does he. When we were 12 years old, he would always sneek me in his room, and we would have a sleepover. That were good times.

I go to my room and unpack my bags, i wanted to take a shower , so i grabbed a shirt, sweatpants and underwear. I layed them on my sink and hopped in the shower.
I finished showering and wraped a clean towel around my wet body. I put on my underwear and stood infront of my mirror to brush my hair, i didnt put on my shirt yet, because it would get wet.
You should know one thing, i never lock my dorms door, and i left my bathroom door open, so i would hear when someone knocks.

Dracos pov:

I have to tell her, i have to tell her that i liked her. I dont know since when i like her, but i do.

Draco Malfoy likes someone...weird, i never had that feeling for someone.
Its...strange, all i want to do is talk with her, cuddle?, and do some things to her...

I walked to her room, i usualy knock, but it was very important so i just opend the door quitely, maybe she was sleeping so i dont want to wake her up.
I went inside. Where is she? I walked around her room and searched foe her, i looked over to her bathroom door (that was open).
There she was. I didnt say anything. I stood there, silent and watching her brushing her hair, standing there just in a bra and sweatpants. I felt like a stalker. I felt my cheeks turn red. She looked so...so, perfect.
She turned around.


She yelled and took a towel, trying to hide her boobs.

„What are you doing here?! Turn around!"

She yelled again, quick i turned around and she closed the bathroom door.

Maybe i should leave, no! I have to tell her the truth, but maybe it wasnt the right moment? No! She has to know, i sit down on her bed and wait for her to come out.

After a minute she comes out, now wearing a shirt.

„I- Im sorry Riley, i wanted to tell you something but-"

„Its okey Draco. It doesnt matter anymore, just forget about it. What was so important?"

„I- i wanted to say- that...im sorry for my behavior in the train?."

„Oh, okey, yeah its okey Draco, come here."

She said and hugged me, she was so small compared to me, i could feel her boobs under my own chest, i hope that my friend down there can controll himself right now.

Rileys pov:

I know he wasnt here because he wanted to apologise, it was something else, but i cant ask him about it now. He'll tell me when he feels like it.

Whats is that? Does he havs his wans with him? But why is it in his pocket? Hes really behaving weird.

„I have to go now, soon we'll have dinner, see you there?"

„Yes, see you there Draco."

I say and give him a kiss on his cheek, he went out of my room and i continued unpacking. I read a book after i finished.
The book is about a boy and a girl, theyre best friends and the boy catches feelings for the girl, its a very cute story, but something like that wont ever happen to anyone in real life.
I read for a good houre, then went down for dinner. Draco was already waiting for me. I saw George, Fred, Harry, Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindors table, i wanted to say hi to them, but Draco came up to me and hugged me. Wtf? Why was he hugging me out of nowhere? I looked over to the Gryffindor table again and George was looking at us.
Draco slightly pulled my arm to the Slytherin table.

„Why did you do this Draco?"


„I wanted to say hi to my friends."

„They're not your friends. Dont call them your friends!"

He whispered in my ear, so nobody could hear him.

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